I am planning on buying an R4 card for my little brothers birhtday, he has a black DSi and I would like to know which is the best option of R4 cards. I have had a look around, and have found these two: http://www.r4i.co.uk/shop/r4i-gold/r4i-gold-plus-4gb-micro-sdhc-memory-card-/19188 http://www.r4i.co.uk/shop/r4i/r4i-card-for-dsi-dsi-xl-plus-4gb-micro-sd-memory-card-compatible-with-the-1.4-firmware/12403 First of all, what is the difference between the two cards? Second of all, can all games be played using these carts, as he has tried to use an emulator to play the latest pokemon games, but couldn't get it to wrok. If anyone has an opinion, on which is the best option, any advice would be appriciated. Thanks
I wouldn't even think about buying an R4 personally. They are outdated and most of the teams that make them don't update their firmware. The compatibility is horrendous and they can easily corrupt your MicroSD card. I would suggest the Acekard 2i for the DSi. - http://shoptemp.com/products/Acekard-2i-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-DSi-p-30.html You will have to update it on a DS Phat/Lite or on a DSi that has a firmware lower than 1.4. Then if you're going to get the AK2i. Look at this for setup of AKAIO (Acekard All In One) - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=38335.msg695431#msg695431
Thanks for the info, I found a site in the uk selling the card here: http://www.consolemax.co.uk/acekard-2i/acekard-2i-adapter-4gb-micro-sdhc-card-usb-dongle.html Is this what I should get? I have a Fat DS, but no charger, is the DSi charger the same as the Fat DS charger, that way I dont have to fork out for another charger. One last thing, is there a compatibility list for the acekard 2i? Thanks Again P.S. Is it possible for him to connect to games wifi features using roms? Or will he have to purchase a copy of the actual cartridge to access wifi features in games?
I would personally buy from ShopTemp, the link I posted above. It's cheap and I know for a fact that it's the real Acekard 2i. The charger is different from the DSi. If you use AKAIO, you can play just about every rom there ever is, was, or will be when they do a new release pretty soon. Of course you can connect via wifi and play the roms. There's no need to buy the games unless you really feel like it. Like when the games are really good.
Just got AK2i today and have the AKAIO V. 1.6 and all roms work perfect. Very happy Just remember you need to update the AK2i using a DSL or DSi with v. 1.3 firmware. Easy if you find the right website.
The only time he would have to purchase the game is if it required a part, such as the Guitar Grip for Guitar Hero On Tour, or the Piano thingy for Easy Piano.
If you insist on getting an R4, get the R4i RTS, made by the M3 team However, there are better carts out there for the DSi, such as Acekard 2i M3i Zero Supercard DSONEi Supercard DSTWO iEDGE