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Where is Gaming News??

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by garychencool, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. garychencool

    garychencool Well-Known Member

    Where is Gaming News?

    I know that there is a sub-section for “Game Reviews” but how about Gaming News? Realistically, I really think that ROMULATION would have this sub-section somewhere! If it’s somewhere, tell me because I couldn’t find it. The section, not the Game Lounge, not the Game Reviews! I want to write articles about gaming news because well some of us are bored and I go onto ROMULTION a lot anyways…

    I watch/read a lot of gaming news and often, it is stuck in my head.

    Or do you want all the Gaming News into the Game Review Section?

    Please direct this into a Gaming News Section (if it exists)

    And when it does, people are probably going to spam news and it will probably be clogged with the same old news so toy guys should get a few people to write about gaming news daily followed by a weekly rap-up.

    Gaming News (because I’m bored)

    HALO on the PS3!
    Halo’s developers, BUNGIE said that they will release the franchise onto the PS3. HALO will no-longer be a XBOX exclusive.

    Bug bites PS3
    Sony Corp. said that a glitch on the Sony PS3 has knocked users off PSN and warned that all of your data may be lost if you continue to use it. Sony said that the problem is probably caused by a bug in the console’s clock function which reminiscent of the Y2K bug a decade ago. This problem will reset the date to January 1, 2000. This problem is not affected to the newest SKU of the PS3. The $299 PS3 Slim. Sony urges customers to not use older versions (SKU) of the PS3 because you can possibly lose gaming achievements and game save data.
  2. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Use the gaming lounge. It is for discussion of all things gaming, which strangely enough include news.