This program: R4 Save Converter came with this rar that included a Pokemon B/W eng patch and WAIO. Since i'm using another computer I don't have it on me. Where can I find it?
Do you mean they convert into 1mb saves ? O i see it's in the savlib.dat in the TTMenu folder of dstt - it's bean programed to make 1mb saves for that game - that online converter should make your save back down to 512kb
If it is in savlib.dat - you need to find the GameID with R4cee - first 4 part Edit savlib.dat with TTDT.exe find gameID first 4 part - and delete it and make a new savlib.dat for your ttmenu folder r4cee TTDT.exe infolib.dat , extinfo.dat , savlib.dat , usercheat.dat edtor Always save as a new file - nether over-ride the original