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Where can I buy a legit R4iGold3DS?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by LuckyIori, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    Everywhere that I look to order from seems to sell clones :-\ Could somebody give me a link to a trusted site that will give me a REAL R4iGold3DS (V1.45) that's also at a reasonable price? Thank you in advance
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Not sure why you'd by that card, it's a clone itself.
  3. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    Is it really a clone itself? So it wouldn't really matter where I buy one from? But still , would you have any good trustworthy sites to order from Sir?
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Get yourself a Gateway 3DS and have R4i capability as well as 3DS ROMs.

    It comes with a fully functional R4i (that is used as an exploit to run Gateway but can still be used as a NDS flashcart). Make sure your 3DS is 4.1-4.5 firmware or else it won't work.
  5. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Every "R4" other than this one is a clone: http://www.r4ds.me/
    There are some good R4 clones, noticeably this one: http://www.r4ids.cn/r4ids-e.htm#pic

    As for sites, have a look at shoptemp.net - http://shoptemp.net/products/R4i-Gold-3DS-For-Nintendo-3DS.html
    Every site listed there is legitimate, and will give you a proper card.
  6. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    Alright, thank you very much guys! ;D Now I just have to see which one I should get for my DSi V1.45, thanks again!
  7. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Not a problem.
  8. deviousgsr

    deviousgsr Member

    Try Supercard DSTwo. Best and most popular dsi/3ds card out there http://www.r4flashcart.com/10-supercard-dstwo-flashcart-for-3ds-xl-3ds-dsi-ds-lite.html and its what i use
  9. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    I've seen it in online shops, I might get one if my R4i messes up.
  10. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    It's expensive sadly.
    Good though :)