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when will the downloads speed up again??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by manny2260, Aug 15, 2007.

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  1. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    ^look at topic title^
  2. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    and srry about my Q im sure its a common q but i really want 2 know 1nce again SRRY
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    When people stop downloading, we're using more than 100mbit/second right now, which is a lot so it's understandable that users don't have the nicest speeds.
  4. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    oh....... hope they stop soon:p THANX 4 the speedy reply
  5. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    oh and do u think ppl will stop downloading by 2morrow??

    im getting my r4 soon so i wanna have the games so i can play them almost as soon as i get my r4
  6. darkbandit42

    darkbandit42 New Member

    well i dont have any problem with my download speed its around 150-200 kb/sec
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    US huh? Yeah we have great speeds inside the US, people outside in Europe/Balkan/Asia suffer though, I'd probably get like 20kb/s if I were to try now. :)
  8. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    im in the US
  9. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    now my speed went from about 30 min 2 10min but my average is 3min
  10. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Well I've talked to several US people who all say they get good speeds, so it must be because there's a bad routing to your ISP, we can't really do much about that. =/
  11. manny2260

    manny2260 Well-Known Member

    i just noticed that the ones that took me 4ever were the 3 new games(heroes of mana, luminous,and rune) i just tried megaman zx it only took 1 min
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