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When are these games releasing?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by ruby6996, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. ruby6996

    ruby6996 Member

    Hi. Im new to Romulation so sorry if I posted this thread in the wrong forum. I would like to know when these games are releasing in romulation.net or in any good rom sites which are trustworthy:

    1) My Hero: Firefighters
    2) C.O.R.E
    3) Miami Laws

    Thx ;)
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    C.O.R.E: July 21st, 2009 but don't be too surprised if it gets delayed again. =/
    My Hero: Firefighter: August 2009 but no specific date.

    Miami Law is already on the site. https://www.romulation.org/NDS/3865_-_Miami_Law_(U)(PYRiDiA).rar.html/

    These release dates are for the games themselves, so just because it gets released that day doesn't mean we'll have it on the site the same day. We can't predict when they'll be dumped since we don't actually have a hand in it.
  3. asdzxc123789

    asdzxc123789 Well-Known Member

    Dont get much confortable.

    C.O.R.E is such a pain in teh a$$. It can get a delay any moment.