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What's You Favorite "Not the Typical Response" Game and Why?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shadokast, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. shadokast

    shadokast Member

    We've all done it. One day we see no fantastic releases, so we start browsing. Looking for that game that looked cool, but we never ended up getting. While we're searching we find a game that peaks our interests. Nobody really talks about it, but we feel it's worth a try. We love it, and we play it all the time. We all have had at least one, so list it here.

    Now I know there have been many "Whats your favorite game" threads, but they all seem to go down the hill when the answers all start to sound the same. So I challenge you: What is your favorite "Not so typical" game and why?

    Here is a list of what not to list:
    -Any Final Fantasy
    - Any Phoenix Wright
    -Any Mario
    -Any Yearly Sport Game
    -Any Zelda
    This list is mostly DS, but use judgment. Lets try and be creative here.
  2. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    I personally find all of the Growlanser series to be quite good, although I know not too many would agree with me on that one.

    I've also found that I really like Ratchet & Clank too...
  3. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    Either Jam sessions (gets really addictive) or Guilty Gear. Also ive been playing bionicle heroes heaps lately, sure its a kids lego game but for a FPS its not bad :)
  4. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    So this is kind of like a "favorite game/most under-rated" topic. Sweet.

    When I was a kid I really liked a game called Threads of Fate. It was on the PSX, made by Square. Before I knew my videogame shit, I got it randomly for Christmas or my birthday or something. Unlike my parents who just buy random games, it was from my uncle, who's a gamer himself. It's really a kickass game, one of the best made. I recommend everyone to check it out if you haven't already.
  5. Crashtehelf

    Crashtehelf Well-Known Member

    *digs through genesis games*...ah...Dinosaurs for Hire..,weird multiplayer game that me and my brother played after beating Streets Of Rage 2 for the Nth time :p
  6. blueocarinaplayer

    blueocarinaplayer New Member

    Sega Genesis ShadowRun (shadowrun-xbox360 sucks in comparison)

    ok, shadowrun on genesis was revolutionary for its time.

    look into the future where people wield the forces of magic while shooting guns and enhancing there natureal abilitys with machines. (esentinally the same plot/story as shadowrun on xbox360 but not a fps)

    You start with a dark story about your slain brother, the hotel owner wont give you back his stuff unless you pony up the credits(shadowrun money) for the motel room. The shabby motel room is one of of many building that you can interact with in seven diffrent areas of seattle. You can move between areas freely by cab so the game is non linear. You can hack computers running on mission for people or just to hack and get info to sell on the black market. Cool game for the time, still play it all the time.
  7. sean-dude

    sean-dude Well-Known Member

    Finla Fantasy 7... first game i completed.
  8. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    ^ lol posted that in two different threads, plus thats a pretty typical game.
    And man piccross is so addictive!
  9. eden2812

    eden2812 Well-Known Member

    Cooking Mama ;D

    Super monkey ball DS

    Battles of prince of persia

    pinky street kira kira music hour (or something like that)

    dokidoki maho shinpan...

    Alot actually :p