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What's with all the missing games?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by didimota, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. didimota

    didimota Member

    there hasn't been any new games up at all! Only Japanese ones.
  2. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Those are the only games being dumped, they have to be dumped, then uploaded to romu
  3. didimota

    didimota Member

    exactly they've stopped dumping Roms as fast as they did before.
  4. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Not our fault. Dumpers release the games to the internet which is when we get them and upload them. Considered that game releases might be a bit slower?
  5. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    You do realise that games do need to be made and released/leaked before they can be dumped?

    Consider that you have three types of people involved in release groups, the first type want to dump a game for the honor and cred, the second type so that their mates can play it and the third type so that they can crack some juicy AP. This is obviously a very simplified account of motivations within release groups and not in the slightest bit accurate.
    Do understand that there is no motivating factor within the dirty little fabulous minds of any release group to hold back on a dump. If they can get it then they will dump it.