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What's the latest PSP homebrew?

Discussion in 'Sony' started by God Gundam, May 27, 2011.

  1. God Gundam

    God Gundam Active Member

    I'm looking to find the latest PSP homebrew release to update my PSP. Does anyone know?
  2. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    It depends on the version of your psp
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    What kind of homebrew are you looking for?
  4. God Gundam

    God Gundam Active Member

    I own a first gen PSP, that fat one. I'm not really sure what kind of homebrew i should get though one that can play Person fine is satisfying enough for me. I'm currently using 5.50 GEN-D3.
  5. sazuel

    sazuel New Member

    Right, I know the version, but I don't know if I can link you guys, or if that's against the rules.

    Anyway, the version you want is one of the new Pro-B6 firmwares. there are a couple. I recommend 6.20 as it is capable of a permanent installation rather than booting it each time. I've just gotten back on the psp scene, and I'm having a ton of fun with it, it runs basically everything I have played so far. it enables the use of .iso's and .cso's, even on the psp go.. The firmware is compatible with ALL MODELS of Psp, and any firmware of 6.39 or lower, I had a 6.39 official, I was able to successfully downgrade to 6.20 official firmware, then install 6.20 Pro-B pretty easily.

    Oh, it also has pretty damned good psx emulation built in, too. as well as that, you don't need any extra stuff to run things, no popsloader needed.

    Finally, you won't need a special battery or memory stick or anything to run it, just follow the instructions.

    So yeah, if I'm allowed, I'll post the link to where to get it safely, if not, I'm sure you guys have sufficient google-fu to find it.

    On background info, I loaded it on two psps, a pretty new PSP GO with 6.39 official firmware... and an ANCIENT psp 1004 Phat with really old 5.00 m33-4 Custom firmware.. so that's a pretty apparent contrast of models, both were hassle free.

    As always of course, there is always an element of risk involved, it's not my fault if you break your stuff etc etc.
  6. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    It's okay to link. But no rom sites please.