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What's needed to play movies on DS?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by amlee1978, Jan 9, 2009.

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  1. amlee1978

    amlee1978 Member

    I have an R4 and I have the movies in .dpg format. What kind of emulator do I need to play them? I guess the one I have to play the games isn't the same. Any help would be appreciated! I am trying to load movies onto my kid's DS systems for a trip we are taking next week. Thanks!
  2. luls2max

    luls2max New Member

    Hmm since you have an R4 I guess you're set to go. Just go create a folder to put your videos in
    and then play them on Moonshell. Moonshell should already be on the R4. No need for an emulator.
  3. amlee1978

    amlee1978 Member

    Yep, I did all that and it's not working. When I try to play the movie it doesn't even show the title and keeps sending me back to the directory when I click on it?
  4. amlee1978

    amlee1978 Member

    Nevermind! I think I figured it out. I will post back if I need more help. Thanks!
  5. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    You probably didn't convert it right. Use SUPER etc.
  6. amlee1978

    amlee1978 Member

    It was already converted to a .dpg for me..I figured it out though...Got them to play. Thanks!
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