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What you would take on a deserted island...

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by CloudBoy101, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Dumb game I used to play at church. If you could take TWO different things with you on a deserted island, what would they be? You have to include your First AND last name (if you use a nick name, use two nick names, or, split it up like, Cloud Boy) You can't know the rule until the end of the game. I'll start:

    My name's Cloud Boy and I'm going to take a Chair and a Balloon
  2. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    my nick-name is wiggy fuzz and i'd take my ds and some fuzz?
  3. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Very close, but no ;)
  4. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    My name is Solus and I'm going to take a boat and a cellphone
  5. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    This is important!

    I wasn't very specific about the nick name, treat it as a first and last name, like Cloud Boy
  6. 0790

    0790 Well-Known Member

    My names is Spoiler and I'm taking my Spoiler. My name isn't Frank Ianstone, its Luke Boucher and I'm taking some Lube and a baseball bat. ;)
  7. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    take 2...

    my nick-name is wiggy fuzz and i wantto take a combination of some fuzz and another unnamed item *fingers crossed*
  8. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

  9. jadin72

    jadin72 Well-Known Member

    i think he was only joking. try restarting the thread from here... :p
  10. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

  11. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    You didn't have to get rid of the intro, now I don't know what it was about in the first place.
  12. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Ok then I will make it an outro. This is a game me and my friends used to play in church. It's pretty lame. Basically imagine you are on a desserted island. You can bring TWO items with you. You are supposed to start by saying your first and second name and the two items with you.
    I'll start.
    "My name is Cloud Boy and Im bringing a (whatever) and a (who cares)"
    Something like that.....
  13. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    I don't get how 0790 ruined the game, though.
  14. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

  15. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member

    So... what was the rule?
  16. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Ok people, we're starting the game over, the rules are at the top of the post. Frankly, by "Franks" answer, I surprised no one found out the rule.
  17. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    My name is Solus Almighty and Im taking my souls and my all mighty tighty whities.
  18. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

  19. sir spamalot

    sir spamalot Well-Known Member

    my SCREEN-NAME is sir spamalot and i'll take some spam... and a lot of it (i used my real nick-name that i use on other forums. sucks that i can't change it)
  20. CloudBoy101

    CloudBoy101 Well-Known Member

    Its no fun now that you guys know the rules but........correct.