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What you wear to school.

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by XtremeBlade, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. XtremeBlade

    XtremeBlade Well-Known Member

    This morning while I was getting ready for school I was wondering what you guys wear to school?
    I'm not asking(and honestly do not care) what school you go to just what you wear to school.
    Do you have a uniform or not?
    I'll start.
    My school does have a uniform to some extent.
    I wear black trousers, a white shirt and a striped tie.
    They try to force us to wear plain black shoes but no one does, I wear a pair of Nike Santa Cruise's and wooly hat covering my bold sexy curls ;D
    They also try to force blazers on us, but I dont wear one, it makes me feel to formal ::)

    You can comment even if you don't go school anymore just tell us what you use to wear.
  2. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    uniform only black slacks and polo
  3. XtremeBlade

    XtremeBlade Well-Known Member

    Lifes hard.
  4. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Uniform used to be a very nice loose one:
    Navy blue or white top
    Navy blue or black or grey bottoms
    Hat during terms 1&4

    Now theres an AWFUL uniform in place (has to be bought through the school)
    Navy blue shirt with white stripes down the arms and the schools logo on the front left (bout $50 AU, 90% polyester)

    Navy blue or grey shorts/pants, INCREDIBLY small pockets, boys version cuts off above the knee, girls version cuts off above the shins (Yes I tried to wear the girls shorts because of the cut-off but got into trouble for it, girls have also tried the boy's version but got in trouble)

    Navy blue/white pleated skirts, cut off below the knee

    Black closed in shoes (can be purchased out of school)

    School bought hat (Navy blue with white logo on front or grey with white logo on front), about $30 AU, must be worn at all times when outside.
  5. hazynighthawk

    hazynighthawk Well-Known Member

    whatever i wanted ;D
  6. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Anything as long as it looks decent & formal.
  7. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member

    from october - end of easter - Black jumper with school logo
    White Shirt
    Tie (except in year 11) w/school logo
    black shoes
    black or grey trousers

    from beginning of after easter - Black jumper w/school logo
    Blue Polo top w/school logo
    black shoes
    Black or grey trousers
  8. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Whatever I want.
    Pants: Faded, usually ripped.
    Shirt: Although I have a ton, I usually either wear one of my snoopy ones, my large pink shirt (cause it's comfy!), my skull 'n headphones shirt, or a dark brown shirt.
    Shoes: I have 2 pair of Vans.
    Other: I have cool glasses ;)

    What? You... think I'm awesome? Ok then!
  9. matty123123

    matty123123 Well-Known Member


    btw is your pink top a manly pink or a gay pink?
  10. haseoTOD

    haseoTOD Guest

    Black pants, black shoes, white socks, white polo (Bought from school) with ID and a jacket.
  11. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    Manly, faded pink.
    Oh, and an ID with my Red Cross pins over my face.
  12. ICE-X

    ICE-X Well-Known Member

    Plaid shorts, black T-shirt, and Blue DC shoes. I thought my school's dress code was strict.
  13. rush n kaos

    rush n kaos Well-Known Member

    anything that's not flashy or uncomfortable! we don't got a specific dress code here

    shirt: black, blue or gray. have a couple dark green ones but i don't wear them often, except for this one that's ripped at the end of the sleeves (it's just comfortable)
    pants: black or blue, with zipper pockets to hold my fragile/valuables like keys, money, and my DS. no jeans for me!
    shoes: black, or these brown ones. i hate laces cause for some odd reason the right laces ALWAYS comes off at the worst timing (ie. countless times they get tangled around the pedals of my bike)
    other: glasses. i'm like blind without them!
  14. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    top : either polo or shirt (school code)
    down : city pants or idk whats in english, but not jeans (again school code)
    shoes : shoes you wear at a marriage like the fancy shoes (and of course school)

    I know it sounds so lame :p
  15. Deathbreak911

    Deathbreak911 Well-Known Member

    That's because it is!
  16. Viruscrush

    Viruscrush Member

    We don't have uniforms...I just wear whatever I see first...Black usually catches my attention
  17. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I wear:

    Blue Polo Shirt
    Grey shorts/I usually wear the pants most days
    My awesome Globe Skates
    Grey knee socks with shorts/White ankle socks with pants
  18. tiramisukisu

    tiramisukisu Well-Known Member

    Mine was just ordinary sailor. (¬д¬) No uniform for university and art schools. I wear comfort casual like

    parka or coat (not on summer) + simple shirt or camisole + mini skirt or shorts + thigh-high socks or tights + boots or sneakers or flats

    simple one-piece + boots or flats + cardigan or coat (not on summer)
  19. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    HEY guys dont forget to wear a smile to school!
    because i do!
  20. head635

    head635 Well-Known Member

    I wear baggy pants and a T-shirt when i go to college :p