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What would you do here? (moral question)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    You can think what you want, but this is how I am and how I think...so here it goes..

    (MODERATORS-if this is a rant or debait please move after reading-wasn't sure)

    Last night at 2am, I was just finished hanging out with some mates of mine, we had a blast (just chatting...in the middle of a still in construction play ground...) and I had to leave (had work next day-got 5 hours sleep this night :( )

    Anyway, as I was walking back to my car (5 mins away, at a mate's place) I was behind a group of 2 summer-clad men, and 2 well dressed women (weird bunch...) and one of them was holding a wine bag...

    Because of past experience with alchol (as in what I seen people do) I proceeded to walk away from the group directly to my car...then i heard a noise...

    "Hay I live in Mubai"

    "Hay indian-why ya walking so fast"

    ...I ignored it because I thought they were talking to someone else...until I realised they were talking to me!

    So I called back...


    I can't remember what happened next, all I knew is the shortest dude came running up in my direction screaming "WWWWAAAA" while the girls with him were telling him to cut it out...

    What would you do in this case?

    Here is what I did...

    Because I had no idea what (and I CBF'd dealing with them) I got to my car...the guy stopped running...they were blocking the road way (2 guys and 2 girls) and they looked like they were about to laugh...and didn't move.

    So I started my car and took off...in their direction.

    I made NO attempt to hit them but I was on the wrong side of the road (the girls were on the right side for some reason...they kept shuffling about) and just kept going.

    If I feel threatend, no one to defend, I will use what's near me to get out of the situation, by force if nessacary (and because of my poor reaction times, close range combat is not my specialty, even if I had my pocket knife it would do no good).

    Now by the defend part, if a close friend or family member wasd there, I'd stand my ground as I did in the past because I generally don't give a damn about myself, however i can still have fear...especially if some punk was running up in your direction scream at 2am!

    I did have a laugh though as the guys lept out the way despite not in my direct path (though I did take off real quick XD) while the girls hardly moved...I assumed they drank more than the guys.

    Yep, say what you want, I just tried to get out of there and make sure to know to never bother someone at 2am, if I backed away in my car they would have laughed (and AI hate that...) and because I was on my own, I cowered, I made no effort to hit them, And if not for that guy running at me I would have avoided taking off so fast in their direction!

    And if your wondering why my mates weren't with me, they were back at the play ground waiting for another mate to show up,
    and they also had to look after 2 girls...one of which was a bit tipsy :p

    I was the oldest of the bunch, but fights are what I prefer to avoid...btw for those in Australia this was in hoppers crossing...and there are gangs were I am (fogot the name of one gang but I know "the bloods' are around the area...) so it's not the best place to walk alone, I only did because my car was 5 mins away...and expected to be fine without incident.
  2. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    ... wow, I would have shouted, "get out of my way or else your ass will be mixed with the asphalt!!!", and if they didn't move, put on my high beams, laid on the horn and stepped on the gas... if they get run over, its their own damn fault. face it: their stupidity, their consequences.

    and their dumbasses for trying to stop a half ton vehicle by themselves and alchohol.
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    God, that was funny. XD

    But, he called you an Indian?

    and why that guy running to you while screaming 'WAAA'?, sorry If you've already mentioned it.

    'Bloody Area' is very dangerous. ::)
  4. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member


    ...I would have given warning however, if I opened my window it would have let me open for projectiles :(

    And it was in a court-stlye street, so making noise is...well I'm too considerate to beep/pump the gas.

    During the day I would have, but not at night (especially last time...my mate told me to cut it out, and this was at 6pm, plus he's parents would never let me back there since they know how loud my car is, wether revving or not because of the exast pipe).

    I kinda look like a pale skinned indian (but I've also been mistaken for an american with my accent...and a spanish dude :( ) however upclose I am obviously a half asian.

    I don't know why, maybe because I increased my walking pace after I shouted back to them, and he probably thought I was scared...which I was a tad...but with my car so near...I let a controlled burst of anger out.
  5. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    At least they don't do anything bad to your car.. ::)

    If yes, that's when the car shows its 'ride'.. XD
  6. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    a good warning would be...

    "how would you like to be a traffic sign?"
  7. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    You completely overreacted, i'm sure if you took the time to explain that you weren't indian instead of shouting;
    they would've admitted their wrongs and procede to let you by in your car.
  8. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    what is a fillio?
  9. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Someone from the philippines. In mds' case, his mother.
  10. damanali

    damanali Well-Known Member

    I've never heard anybody here called a fillio, so i was new on the term... we are called pinoys, filipinoes, filipino, pilipino, visaya, tagalog, ilocano, bicolano, cebuano, kapampangan, etch....

    and what kind of wasted person would mistake a filipino from an indian? must be really wasted.
  11. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    It's another aussie slang, as we kinda get lazy...

    Only us half breeds use it really around here (half aussie's to be exact).

    And yes they must have been.

    Well I did panick, but they had no idea the car was mine however...the look on one of their faces proved it...this was before I drove on.

    I should have mentioned the half aussie part, but from what I seen in public transport I don't think they'd really care about exact breed, just the fact that my skin was different to theirs.

    Not sure what they were, ethier tanned of Half Lebonese or something...anyway I DID get annoyed about what they called me...only after I left the scene.

    Not everyone posting here Has answered what they do?

    Oh well, point is I had no idea of what they were thinking, for all I knew they might have wanted a chat, but still I just wanted to get home and not waste time in the open (few cases of violence happens around here...not as Bad as Werribee the next suburb, but still, I would not advise walking in the dark longer than 5 mins)
    Post Merge: [time]1262005190[/time]
    Oh and sorry I said "FILLO"...

    Omit the "I" as that's how it's said, I just realised how stupid "fillio" sounds...and it's too long for some aussie's to use :p
  12. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    They were clearly intoxicated, and my experience is its best to avoid intoxicated strangers. Alcohol can make people do strange things, especially if they've had too much.
  13. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    That's why I did what I did.

    I've had drunken insults, violence towards me (mostly from other family members) and the odd "hlp the vomiting drunk".

    To be perfectly honest, I'd be scared by the affects because I seen alot since I was 7, I still remember some of the antics I seen.

    Of course wether or not they had the wine bag, the point was I had no idea of knowing what they would do so I thought I'd get out of there using the means I have on me...
  14. Apollooo

    Apollooo Well-Known Member

    if i were in that situation, ( yea, i'm a bit over-emotional type ,especially it was 2 AM at the early morning right?)
    maybe i got different reaction when they said indian, and when they blocked the street
    depends on my condition and mood, but maybe 85% change i will lost my control and use force to get em

    if i had same situation as you (had work next day-got 5 hours sleep this night) fist might be the answer, but IF i can control myself ( which is rare case i can control it XD)
    i might be just talk to them, cold headedly and just walk off

    i don't feel that as a big threat for myself, if i could just ignore them and walk away, and they don't give further Act i might be can just forget em and walk away.
    i have same experience as you in here, where people said bad thing 'bout my race or religions
    because we're minority here.
    as long they don't give real threat it's okay

    Yes we're quite the same

    yes,This is a different matter, touch my pal a bit, yer as will be under the car's wheels XD
    and i could use anything i could use to beat em off

    but i admit it was a real danger situation, we don't know there might be more of them, maybe i can take care of 2 men, but i can't guarantee if there are more of them
  15. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    If I were with my mates I would have used my "forum logic" but because I just wanted home and had no idea what may have happened I just blurted out what I said.

    I said it in a way so I could be heard, and to be PERFECTLY honest...I don't think he was being violent, more like being a dickhead, judging from one of the girls with him saying to cut it out...and that stupid smile on his face.

    I wanted out, and I took my way out via the (now that I think about it) the quickest path.

    Unlike the other way, there was no speed humps :p
  16. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    why the hell would anyone waste his/her time in the middle of the night explaining things to those people. i don't think that's an over reaction, seems to me as a normal reaction like a normal person would react in that kind of situation but if i were in hypnos's shoe, i would have to agree with apollooo as i would just ignore them. i think hypnos did the right thing. i'm the kind of person who doesn't want trouble too and i do hate gangs & other group of people of the same thing, i think they're good-for-nothing fellows.

    but in case they insist i have two big wild k9 dogs at the back seat of my car, and i think they're angry and hungry :p

  17. sickgenocide

    sickgenocide Active Member

    wow, you are a really nice person. i would have put the car in park and hopped out and beat someones face in. both of them!
  18. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    I would've yelled "GTFO of the way, or Ill run ya over!".

    If they didnt move, it's their fault. They should'nt have been standing in the street. I think it's called jaywalking or something.

    But you did the right thing. Some people these days are just ferals.
  19. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    My punches are weak, and I'm no fighter.

    I'm not capable of much in a fight, but my recent story shows another side XD

    It was a court, and it was dead...I jay walked myself.

    I wou;ld have caled but I alreadt explained why...that and no need to provoke...

    I think I tried to do a burn out on the way out now that I think back XD
  20. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    if i were you i'll run them over, its not like you will kill them using the 1st gear, plus they are asking for it.