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What water pokemon should I use?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by bobobob1, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Hello, I am currently playing Soul Silver. My team is as follows…

    Typhlosion (Fire)
    Lugia (Flying/Psychic)
    Ampharos (Electric)
    Alakazam (Psychic)
    Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)

    Now, I need a recommendation for a water pokemon. It can be any existing pokemon from any , just no starters or legendaries. Thanks!
  2. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    well that takes out all the good ones. My best suggestion is Feraligatr (see if you can find it on the GTS). Otherwise, decent alternatives are Gyrados, Poliwrath, or Dewgong (but it's more Ice than Water :/)
  3. darknova91230

    darknova91230 Active Member

    POLITOAD!!!!! its the best and it can learn water, ice and ( if im not mistaken ) a few grass moves too. And of coarse those other special moves that pokemon learn
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    Kingler or Crawdaunt.
  5. m64m

    m64m Well-Known Member

    Also, Starmie.
  6. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Physical Waters: Gyarados, Feraligatr, Azumarill, Kabutops, Kingler, Floatzel (inferior Feraligatr really...), Poliwrath. Fun stuff no matter which one you pick here.
    Special Waters: Lapras, Lanturn, Swampert (more mixed but whatever), Milotic, Starmie, Ludicolo, Suicune.
    Bulky Waters: Slowbro, Milotic, Lanturn, Blastoise, VAPOREON, Quagsire, Suicune, Tentacruel.

    If I had to gravitate to only one type, Water is probably my most used type out of any other. For me, Water is a good type defensively having only a few weaknesses and provide almost near-perfect coverage with just Waterfall+Return on Physical sets, allowing them to use setup moves like SD, DD, or Substitute. Water types usually pack a Grass move as well, most likely HP Grass to counter other water pokemon. They're great as stallers most notably Vaporeon and Milotic, and Slowbro. Lanturn is one of my most used pokemon because of its immunity to Electric attacks as well as access to electric attacks of its own.

    Most fun out of all of those that I've mentioned? Vaporeon and Milotic hands down for tanking/stalling. And Bulk Up Poliwrath, Azumarill, and Kingler for some odd reason for physical sweeping. My favorite special sweeper is CM Suicune with HP Electric. It may be slower than Starmie but at least its got that little bit of bulk to last throughout the sweep.
  7. omgwtfitzben

    omgwtfitzben Well-Known Member

    I personally love Ludicolo, Starmie, Milotic and Vaporeon.

    Ludicolo just to mess with people, it's quite fun.
    Starmie because it has great Sp. and Sp. Atk. A weaker Alakazam, but that STAB Surf is beautiful.
    Milotic (Very hard to get a good one), a great defender with her high Sp. Def. I use Hypnosis with her.
    Vaporeon, above poster kind of pointed out, a smaller Suicine practically.
  8. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    Gyarados is pretty beastly and can score some decent coverage on the physical side, as does Suicune, Vaporeon and Starmie on the Special side. I personally prefer Suicune due to its bulk - Starmie is just a tad too fragile for my tastes.

    Kingler is a choice out of the proverbial left field, but with 130 base attack you are going to leave some big dents in things with Crabhammer.
  9. Cheesewizard

    Cheesewizard Well-Known Member

    How about a high level golduck. as it is very speedy and can use Psychic too. It will team up with ur alakazam :p. erm but it learns some decent moves lke hyper beam. and its def is usually high. I agree with the politoad tho, but hard to get :/
  10. klaimore

    klaimore Well-Known Member

    Mantine with a bunch of Special attacks.
  11. Nerch

    Nerch Well-Known Member

    Tentacruel. Got one casually just because I found it at lv 25 when my other Pokemon were at lv ~20, but I really like it. Great speed, great Sp. Def. and good Sp. Atk. The Def is poor, but it learns Barrier.
  12. JButter

    JButter Well-Known Member

    I recommend vaporeon, it's one of the best water pokemon in the game. You could also use Feraligatr.
  13. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Alright, I've narrowed it down to Vaporeon, Lapras, Starmie, and Kingdra. I'm not sure what everyone is suggesting Suicune and Feraligatr, as I said no starters or legendaries.

    Also, does anyone have any better suggestions for Ampharos?

    Finally, I'm changing Alakazam to Gallade, since I want a fighting type. (And no, no Poliwrath, please.)
  14. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    I suggested them because they're still very good considerations and since they're so easy to obtain in HGSS.

    It would be helpful to know what exact purpose are you trying to obtain so we don't have to list every strategy for something.
    For example, Ampharos is meant to be played as a tank, not an offensive sweeper, but judging by your response, you're just basing things on type defensively/offensively. There are no other bulky electrics, besides maybe Zapdos or Magnezone, but they're just bulky, not meant for tanking. Lanturn is also bulky, but I'd categorize that under Bulky Water, rather than electric. For offensive electrics, you have Raichu, Manectric, Luxray, Magnezone, Jolteon, Pikachu with a Light Ball, Rotom, Lanturn, etc.

    I don't know why you'd switch Alakazam with Gallade, since Alakazam can learn Focus Blast, is much speedier, and has better chances of sweeping, where Gallade normally doesn't due to its low speed. There are MUCH better physical sweepers out there than just Gallade.

    Also, your narrowed down choices are completely unrelated...you have to tell us what purpose you're trying to get at because these setups only work if you use them correctly. Starmie should never be used as a tanking option and Vaporeon should never be used as a sweeper. You're just wasting potential if you do that.
  15. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    Lapras all the way. He's even really simple to get, at Union Cave. If it isn't Friday yet, just change your DS's clock.

    PS - I know Typhlosion is an awesome Fire Pokemon, but wheres the harm in a Houndoom? I stopped picking Cyndaquill, because by the time I was facing Red, I'd have replaced him with Houndoom, I don't like to waste my starters.

    PPS - Not to be a dick but here's what I have right now,


    Nice one on the Tyranitar BTW, but I'd pick Espeon over Alakazam any day.
  16. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You don't like to waste your starters, but you have a starter in your team...but I do agree, Typhlosion is pretty much useless throughout the game due to the shallow movepool it gets.

    That's a decent team, but why use Lugia? If you're not EV training it, then I'd say you're wasting a legendary, which is worse than wasting a starter in my book...
  17. DarkSylux

    DarkSylux Active Member

    I have the exact same team as you except i have Espeon instead of Alakazam. i'm going to have to say Kingdra, which is what i'm doing, because it has decent speed and special attack along with a good special-type move pool but its half-dragon type makes it a more suitable part of your team due to dragon only being weak to Ice and Dragon. Vaporeon is nice, but its pure Water type makes it more susceptible to a wider variety of attacks.
  18. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I didn't spec Arc (my Lugia) in my Nuzlocke run, and he was still a fantastic boltbeamer with an insane amount of durability in the maingame.
  19. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    You guys have completely missed my point...
    Vaporeon is meant for tanking/stalling, not sweeping, where Kingdra is geared towards sweeping.
    Comparing these two is like comparing a Priest to a Warrior, and then say warriors suck because they can't heal...well DUHHHHH they can't heal.

    And anyway, you guys are still basing things solely on type coverage or how many weaknesses does it have. If that were the case, then I'd have nothing but Spiritombs and Sableyes since they have no weakness...

    I can take a Vaporeon, run a bold nature, wish, protect, surf and HP electric bp70 and stall the crap out of just about anything in OU or lower. Even with weaknesses to electric and grass, and an immunity to water, I can still come out on top even if they decide to run Grass Knot because of Vaporeon's lower weight than let's say Suicune or Milotic. With just the immunity alone, that shuts down most of the water pokemon I mentioned earlier, and since I have HP Electric, it will almost always cause switches once they figure out that it's electric. Even Kingdra will switch because Rain Dance does nothing, and the Waterfall or Hydro Pump will only restore my health, which leaves just the Dragon moves left to do actual damage. And since Outrage locks you into an attack and then confuses you, this will most likely be a bad option. Even if you run Draco Meteor, this will make my stalling even easier for each turn that you use it.

    My point is, I can run two actual attacks, have worse coverage, and worse defenses as far as weaknesses go and do just as well as one that has perfect-near perfect coverage and minimal weaknesses.

    Outside of your Nuzlocke challenge, would you bother using it? For competitive play, I see no use for it, not even in the Battle Tower.
  20. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    I'd have used it in a non-Nuzlocke maingame. I didn't immediately assume that this guy is running a team for competition. Is he?