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What was most addictive for you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shimazuxi, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. shimazuxi

    shimazuxi Member

    I'm not talking about drugs, or..bad things, but more or less...a game or something. You see...as Shimazu I played Final Fantasy XI for almost four years. I got Red Mage to 75 (max level) and was highly addicted... I had so many friends. I also met the love of my life whom I now live with, so I owe the game much thanks. I also got Blue Mage, Ninja, Monk, Samurai, Beastmaster, and Dragoon to 75 with Ranger on the way. Then I quickly realized the game got dull for me, and left. It was so much harder than I thought. I wanted to log back in and party or something, but I kept telling myself, that it's over, and there's nothing left for me to accomplish, I beat everything, lol.
    I'm not trying to tell you my life story, but since people who love video games play this... I wondered if hey, maybe someone else felt the same? Has anyone else ever had an addictive similarity, it doesn't have to be an mmo I suppose, just curious.
  2. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    Yes there are things that people love so much that they devote their lives for it

    as for me I love animes, but I'm not sure it's an addiction to your level :p
  3. AceKilla

    AceKilla Well-Known Member

    The most addictive to me is games...

    Tuna your an anime maniac.
  4. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    If you consider me a maniac, you should see some real otakus
    they got figurines, DVD box sets, pillows, I mean everything
  5. shimazuxi

    shimazuxi Member

    No, no, you see I quit. I mean..I played mostly after my second year because me and my girlfriend were long distance, having to finish school, etc. Now that we're together in real life, I acknowledge there is no further use for the game, it's just, I almost feel as if mmos shouldn't exist. They trap you inside, make you feel like you accomplish something, then rip it all away. (See FFXIV). It's horrible, and it was a horrible experience to go, realizing over a years playtime for nothing, heh.

    Small edit: I love anime & otaku too, finally could finish Inuyasha and Dragonball in peace, and hopefully start Devil may cry and etc xD
  6. crazytuna

    crazytuna Well-Known Member

    haha and that's why I don't play MMOs
  7. AceKilla

    AceKilla Well-Known Member

    Welcome back to real life.

    So you're baby maniac. :p
  8. shimazuxi

    shimazuxi Member

    I guess I'm back to real life, but it's not quite that simple...it's just terrorizing how horrible mmos can be, and no one really notices.. I mean small time mmos yeah but things like WoW and stuff..I never thought it'd be so hard. Which is why I don't think I'll ever do that again, lol.
  9. AceKilla

    AceKilla Well-Known Member

    Lucky for you, i once read that a student take a weapon to the class room and blast the class with an uzi/ak47 then commit suicide after he played some mmo games.
  10. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    o_O Where did he even got that weapons?

    Anyway, I'm currently addicted to the internet, facebook, twitter, RomU forum, and other websites have taken a lot of time of my life. I don't think it's wrong because I'm developing myself from it, in a good way, and I'm in my extra long holiday anyway. Once I start my college, I think I won't get online this much.
    I have been addicted to my PSX and NDS too, but only in my leisure time. It hardly ever affect my school... well, maybe a bit. Good thing I've never been addicted to MMO games.
  11. shimazuxi

    shimazuxi Member

    It's a bit different from all that, though. On an mmo you literally feel like you accomplish something when you beat the expansion. Like when you spend 4 months in a group doing missions every Saturday and you beat the Expansion and get a Ring for a job, you feel like you've accomplished something. All to be wiped away with FF14, lol. Man, I just can't believe how engrossed I was. At least all the things you do are extensions of your real life, not another life you're living, xD.
  12. kamuikurou

    kamuikurou Well-Known Member

    Humm, I realized that after I posted. It's pretty different yeah.
    Anyway welcome bak to real life, and to RomUlation, I noticed you only have posted in this thread. Go to the introduction board to... introduce yourself, duh.
  13. SoulSin

    SoulSin Well-Known Member

    So you are just giving up all your friendships, hard work, happy moments just because you "decided to wake up" ?

    IMO everything you do in your life develop yourself in a good way in a btw. Wich in the end create your own way to see stuff.

    By the way you are talking its just like you ran away of everything and decided to forgot everyone for another "false reality".

    and i am getting a bit emmoctive here n.n
    btw, Welcome (eve if i am new myself \o|)
  14. shimazuxi

    shimazuxi Member

    It's not that, it's more or less I spent so much playtime for something that never mattered. I love FFXI for giving me my girlfriend (as lame as that sounds) and the memories and challenges it brought, it's just depressing how engrossed I got in something that never really mattered, lol. But you have to learn, ya?
  15. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    As you said, atleast you got a girlfriend from playing. Not many people can say they wasted time playing a video game...and then also getting a girlfriend from playing :p

    I don't play MMORPG games for your exact reason. It is a very scary place once you get hooked into stuff like that.
  16. gameboy5.0

    gameboy5.0 Well-Known Member

    video games are my weak spot lol.
    relly i play all games if there good and i like it
  17. Truntemus

    Truntemus Member

    I dont have a really big addiction. But I must admit.. Animal Crossing.. I even dream of it :)

    And also when I have read Harry Potter. I keep on thinking about the world and stuff...
  18. GlidingGoose

    GlidingGoose Well-Known Member

    WWII and The Australian Army
  19. Mario94

    Mario94 Well-Known Member

    Most of the grand theft auto series
  20. nex26

    nex26 Well-Known Member

    Orange and Lime tictacs.