Hope I'm asking in the right section. I just wanted to see if I could figure out how to play Kingdom Hearts on my PS2 without the game disc, how do I start? Never did this before with any game on it so hope I'll figure it out. Thanks in advance Post Merge: [time]1344438082[/time] Just took a quick look over the list of gamesavailable for the ps2. I guess I would need to download whatever one I want to try but then what do I do with it, burn it on a dvd? or is there more to it?
if you really want to play downloaded games then if you dont already have a modded ps2 your best bet would be an emulator.also there are usb converters that you can plugin your original ps2 controller to the pc.i know i am using one and it only costed me 6$ there is a thread about the current ps2 emulator on the sony section of the sharing area.if you want you can go there and download the emulator.i ve also provided bios to it. hope this helps enjoy and feel free to ask any other questions
theres several different methods of modding a PS2 with different advantages and disadvantages, but I think someone else can probably explain them better than me.
Thanks for the quick replies. I just want to have it connected to the same screen where my PS3 is connected to so that I can have it all set up on the same tv. I waited this long to attempt this so I can wait longer to find the best way to do it. Is the PS3 any easier or even possible? What about the Wii? Which of the 3 would be best and easiest to try? I like the idea of the computer to take on trips but at home I want it on a big screen and always ready.
PS3 isn't easy and AFAIK it doesnt affect PS2 (if your ps3 is even ps2 compatible). Wii can be modded also.
ps3 modding cant be done on your own because there are chances you might break the console in such a way it wont even play normal ones
I assume you have the slim one? Swap disk my friend, look that up, buy it and it will come with all the instructions you need. Also you will need to download and burn games onto dvds
Thanks again. I have the phat ps2. It was purchased new about 1 year after it was released. The PS3 is the 120 gig and does not play my ps2 games. If the wii is an easier option maybe I should stick to that instead, what would I need to do with the wii?
Just install the homebrew channel and then use pimpmywii to download all of the necessary modded IOS'. http://hbc.hackmii.com/ http://webrewwii.blogspot.com/2012/03/pimp-my-wii-230.html And if it helps, it's outdated but still some valuable information, follow the link in my sig.
Sounds very easy. So I just download the homebrew into an SD card? Then do the same for the ios? Basically sounds just the same as doing an r4 card except all I need is a SD TF, correct?