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what the is up with downloads?

Discussion in 'Site Support' started by poppachubby, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. poppachubby

    poppachubby New Member

    i purchased 10,000 points,tried to download a game over and over and OVER.....it downloads about 30 meg of 325 megs and quits!! im under 7000 points and havent got it yet
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Re: what the f**k is up with downloads?

    Ok, for a start theres no need to get angry, we're only human. Secondly, you are giving us practically no information that could help us isolate the problem. What game is it? how are you trying to download (using internet explorer? firefox?) What internet connection do you have? what are you doing when it stops? Don't assume the problem is at our end because it may not be.
  3. poppachubby

    poppachubby New Member

    Re: what the f**k is up with downloads?

    actually its soul blade(psx),i just tried tony hawk 4 and its the same thing,got to 85 megs and it says server timed out
  4. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    That the server timed out is not necessarily a sign that it's our fault, many people have downloaded without problems. It could easily be anywhere between our server and your ISP, it could be the connection between your computer and your router, especially if you use a wireless connection. I'm not saying it's your fault, but merely that there are several factors neither of us have any control over.

    That is also why we highly encourage the usage of download managers, if you resume a download it will not deduct your points again.

    Having purchased your points you are of course entitled to a refund despite the error not being our fault. That's the upside of us being only human.

    Lastly, about your profanity, don't think that buying points or even premium membership will mean that we will accept it, if it happens again then it will result in a temporary ban.
  5. poppachubby

    poppachubby New Member

    sorry 'bout the language but......so what download manager is good to use?available here?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    no, we don't have our own download manager; we don't see the point in reinventing the wheel just for the sake of branding. Any common download manager such as getright should work.
  7. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Just to add to the list of options, if you are using FireFox you can use the manager Flashget and the download the plugin for FireFox at their website called Flashgot. They work in unison pretty well...it's what I use. ;D

  8. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    flashgot works with getright too.
  9. doom_monkey2

    doom_monkey2 New Member

    I had a problem too. I went to go download Tekken 3 and it downloaded a one kilobyte file.
  10. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member

    Way to bump a thread. :-X
  11. Almo

    Almo Well-Known Member

    isnt it funny how if he had made a new thread he would have been told to search, but if he searched and found an old thread he still gets beat up from bumping an old thread. its not so bad here cause this is an awesome community, but my old forums were shocking like that.
  12. clugenheim

    clugenheim Well-Known Member

    Well this problem is different from the one this thread is about. Then again, I don't know too much about exactly how the rules work as far as bumping vs. searching goes. All I know is, he bumped a 3 or 4 month old thread. :p
  13. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    It's not exactly the same, but this topic should work just as well for it.

    Wouldn't be the first bump we've had anyways, we've had a few topics start up again a few months after they were created :p

    In short, I wouldn't worry about it.
  14. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Rename to .txt and open file in notepad, tell me what it says.
  15. Dark Phoenix

    Dark Phoenix Member

    Errr, couldn't find more appropriate place to ask - when I'm downloading NDS ROM (to be more specific, 1416 - Kidou Gekidan Haro Ichiza Gundam Mahjong + Z Sara ni Deki Ruyouni Nattana! (J)(Xenophobia).rar)), when I try to resume downloading after pause, FlashGet just keep saying "filesize changed' and he doesn't resume downloading(( What I do wrong?
  16. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    because you paused it for too long and the download expired. Redownload and overwrite the partial file, if your download manager works properly it should pick up where it stopped and not charge you again.
  17. Dark Phoenix

    Dark Phoenix Member

    Errr....I paused, then in next second resumed - and he again gives me this messaqge((
  18. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    yes, the link expiry timer starts from the time its generated, not the time you pause.
  19. Dark Phoenix

    Dark Phoenix Member

    Err...okay...but I'm not sure, what do you mean by "Redownload and overwrite the partial file".I mean, what and where should I overwrite? *I know, stupid question, but I didn't had this problem before*
  20. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    you restart the download (by clicking the link again), and save it in the same location you were saving to before. Your download manager should say that the file already exists and do you want to rename it. (it may also offer you the resume option, in which case pick that one.) Say no to renaming and it should pick up from where it left off. Alternatively it might just resume by itself without asking.