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What site to buy R4 from?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by armless, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. armless

    armless Member

    Hi, I've been looking around this forum for sites I can trust to buy an R4 for my Nintendo 3DS, but haven't really found one site that many people suggest. Everyone seems to suggest a different site. I already got scammed by a site once, and was wondering if you guys can suggest a real good site for me.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    I've used it before and I like it much.

    Another good one. Never used, but great reviews.

    What card are you going to buy?
    If I can suggest one, I suggest the R4i Gold 3DS (going with the 'R4' you wanted)

    If you don't want an R4, Supercard DSTwo or AceKard 2i. Both sellers listed sell them.
    Good luck.

    With the R4i Gold 3DS, make sure you get the one made by r4ids.cn.
    That one is the official, and the best out there.
  3. armless

    armless Member

    Yes, I'm looking to purchase a R4i Gold 3DS. I just haven't found a reputable site yet =\ I've been scammed once already...
  4. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member


    Try digitopz.
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