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What should i buy?

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by tco599, Mar 20, 2010.


what gaming system should i buy?

  1. wii

    0 vote(s)
  2. psp

    0 vote(s)
  3. ps3

    0 vote(s)
  4. xbox 360

    0 vote(s)
  5. nds

    0 vote(s)
  1. tco599

    tco599 Member

    i like shooter games, sports games, rpg game.
  2. zerobahamut

    zerobahamut Well-Known Member

    It has
    1. Good graphics
    2. Final Fantasy 13 and Versus
    3. It can do everything

    It's up to you but I would get ps3.
  3. deanalexander

    deanalexander Well-Known Member

    You need to give a bit more information, like what games you're into, etc.
    Then people can judge on that and vote.
  4. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    PS3 is probably the best value, although the DS can be good depending on what kind of games you're into, it's not great for shooters though.
  5. seriaku

    seriaku Well-Known Member

    Is that so?....
  6. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Just buy them all.My son has Wii,DSl,Ps2 and 2 x psps's.
  7. airhead929

    airhead929 Active Member

    ps3 theres no rrod for them~
  8. lampslammer

    lampslammer Well-Known Member

    PS3- For 299$ you get a blue-ray player (about 250$ for one), a dvd player, a ps1, a good browser(very compatible), music player, and a rechargeable controller (saves money. no AA's, or need to buy rechargeables.)

    and better built. How many PS3 owners do you know had to send it in to sony? I'll bet everyone here knows someone who has needed to send their x-box in. Another thing i've noticed is that ps3 discs stay in better condition. Most of my games are used and there still immaculate. Not the same story with my friends x-box games. A few of em have the ring on it, and they have a lot more little scratches etc.. and I'm not just talkin out of my ass. Next time at gamestop compare used games from both. I think it's because ps3 has the drive in the front instead of the tray.

    and of course Metal Gear Solid 4, and God of War 3.
  9. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    xbox 360 its half the price and has the most games
  10. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    DS or XBOX 360
  11. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Misleading; the 360 may be half the price, but that version is god-awful. It's missing:
    Wireless internet
    A HDD
    Plug & Play controllers
    Next Gen Disk Drive

    Of course, you might not care for these things...
  12. Xynche

    Xynche Well-Known Member

    If you have the money get a ps3, it 's a great system, I don't see why everyone hates on it... I have to say I think they're just pissed because they could only afford an xbox, or bought an xbox and just got but hurt after they saw how cool the ps3 is...

    I own an xbox, don't own a ps3... looking to sell my xbox, if it was a ps3 I would keep it...
  13. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    How about keep both? I don't get why people sell their consoles, it's stupid.

    A PS3 is more bang for your buck I think, although it's only really worth it if you have an HDTV as you won't reap the rewards of BluRay with a Standard Def.

    Wat? Oh yeah, I forgot about those drives that don't exist.

    In terms of games, Xbox 360 has the most and frequently has the best version of the multiplatform games. It also has a higher number of RPGs, JRPGs, and shooters. Look into it's exclusives to see what's right for you.
  14. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    Blu Ray? :(

    [quote author=Natewlie]
    In terms of games, Xbox 360 has the most and frequently has the best version of the multiplatform games. It also has a higher number of RPGs, JRPGs, and shooters. Look into it's exclusives to see what's right for you.

    Most of its "exclusives" are also on the PC, so if you have a good PC, the 360's probably not the best choice for variety.
  15. link245

    link245 Member

    Hmm let's see I own a PS3, Wii, PSP, and a DS. I had a choice what to get for Christmas a PS3 or a xbox. Heck I even had to do a vs. battle for a assignment for my communications class. I decided to side with the PS3 for that moment( I actually like both). There is plenty to take into consideration. There is reliability, exclusives, region compatibility, community, graphics, etc.

    Reliability is well, I'm sure everyone knows and loves our best friend the red ring of death. I haven't heard of anyone having to bring in a PS3 to Sony. Exclusive wise, not really caring in this department, only thing I can say is xbox = halo and PS3 = drakes/killzone. The PS3 is region free, but with some limits. Example if you buy a US copy of call of duty MW2 for you EUR PS3 you have no choice but to play with people from the US. DLC is also restricted to the region of the game. I believe the Xbox is region locked, not quite sure. Community wise to me is the same. You have very annoying people, racists, etc. Nothing new which one you choose, although there is less mic on a PS3 since we don't get one free. Graphics wise to me IMO they look the same so not really gonna get into it. I do agree with Natewlie, that you do get more bang for your buck with a PS3. I guess another selling point is that there no subscription fee for playing the PS3 online.

    The Wii is cool if you want to be more active in your gaming. I'm looking to get into red steel 2 and no more heros. The graphics are not as good as the other consoles but that doesn't really matter to me. The games are much more family oriented. Playing Call of duty 4 on the Wii is intresting as well.

    PSP is like playing a PS1 except only having 1 analog stick. Some good games for it out now like Blazblue. I don't like playing shooters on either PSP or DS. They make my hand hurt after a while. RPGs are great on both systems.

    Wow what a mouth full...sorry about the wall of text. I maybe missing something so sorry about that as well.
  16. Natewlie

    Natewlie A bag of tricks

    Doesn't exist. And the HD-DVD drive is not defunct considering it's a dead format.

    Some of it's exclusives are on the PC. There's 71 360 games that are on the PC. There's 109 Xbox 360 exclusives, meaning ONLY on the 360. (yes I counted, I know it's a bit out of date but I'm sure that the number of exclusives haven't changed drastically).

    The PS3 still does not have 109 exclusives like 360. Quality varies though.

    That and most of the 360's RPGs are only on the 360.

    I think Microsoft's Xbox Live is a lot better compared to PSN. Party chat, more Xbox Live Arcade games, better arcade games than PSN games, it's download speed (may vary) and it's community (even though you'll run into a bunch of douches, at least on Xbox Live, you actually find people to talk to, on the PS3, you usually hear very little).

    If you have an HDTV or looking to buy one, I definitely implore anyone to buy a PS3. As you'll benefit from the Bluray, if you really want it. If you're stuck with a Standard Def TV, it's good if you weight and explore the options given.

    Although the thing with the PS3 that the Xbox has is a manufacturer's warranty. Although it's more rare that PS3 will crap out, it could happen. If it does, Sony doesn't cover it, to get it repaired, you have to ship it to them (and pay for shipping) and pay for the repairs. While Microsoft, within the first 3 years, you're covered for the E74 error and the RRoD.They cover shipping and the repairs.
  17. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    How do you work out that blu ray doesn't exist exactly? :eek:

    [quote author=Natewlie]Some of it's exclusives are on the PC. There's 71 360 games that are on the PC. There's 109 Xbox 360 exclusives, meaning ONLY on the 360. (yes I counted, I know it's a bit out of date but I'm sure that the number of exclusives haven't changed drastically).

    The PS3 still does not have 109 exclusives like 360. Quality varies though.

    That and most of the 360's RPGs are only on the 360.[/quote]

    Actually according to this article there are 130 PS3 exclusives. (At least, that's what I counted, I could be out by a few)

    [quote author=Natewlie]I think Microsoft's Xbox Live is a lot better compared to PSN. Party chat, more Xbox Live Arcade games, better arcade games than PSN games, it's download speed (may vary) and it's community (even though you'll run into a bunch of douches, at least on Xbox Live, you actually find people to talk to, on the PS3, you usually hear very little).[/quote]

    I'm not sure about this, I personally prefer the PSN community as there are less kids screaming in your ear and there are always a lot of people online, just not all have mics. I also really like home. The XBLA is definitely plus points for the 360, but you do have to pay (through the nose I might add) to play online with the 360, which is a bit disgraceful.

    [quote author=Natewlie]If you have an HDTV or looking to buy one, I definitely implore anyone to buy a PS3. As you'll benefit from the Bluray, if you really want it. If you're stuck with a Standard Def TV, it's good if you weight and explore the options given.[/quote]

    Frankly if you have an SD TV I wouldn't recommend getting either then PS3 or the 360 as a lot of games have text which is very difficult to read on SD TVs. The Purchase of a DVI->HDMI adapter can help alleviate this problem by allowing you attach your console to a monitor.

    [quote author=Natewlie]Although the thing with the PS3 that the Xbox has is a manufacturer's warranty. Although it's more rare that PS3 will crap out, it could happen. If it does, Sony doesn't cover it, to get it repaired, you have to ship it to them (and pay for shipping) and pay for the repairs. While Microsoft, within the first 3 years, you're covered for the E74 error and the RRoD.They cover shipping and the repairs.

    Depends on where you live, where I live there is a 1 year (or perhaps it's 2 years now, I forget) mandatory warranty on all electronics. But I do agree that the 360's warranty can be a nice deal, I still prefer the reliability of the PS3 over that though. Chances are far more likely that you'll break your PS3 through accident anyway. Here's how.
  18. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    missing a hd? mine came with one
    missing plug and play controllers? i dont even know exactly what you mean but mine came with 2 wireless controllers

    the 360 has lots more games and they sell 4 games for 20 pound now at my local store.

    my friend has a ps3 and has filled his hd with games and has to uninstall, reinstall, mess about when he wants to play a different game, consoles are for instant gaming if i wanted to arse about i would just buy the game for pc.

    I have a wii, played it maybe 4 times since christmas, gets old really fast. wouldnt recommend one unless your under 10
  19. gaynorvader

    gaynorvader Well-Known Member

    I assumed you were talking about the arcade version as the other versions aren't 1/2 the price of the PS3.
    [quote author=msghomemaintenance]
    missing plug and play controllers? i dont even know exactly what you mean but mine came with 2 wireless controllers
    Plug and play means you can recharge them whilst playing the console. 360 bears the legend "Batteries not included".

    [quote author=msghomemaintenance]
    the 360 has lots more games and they sell 4 games for 20 pound now at my local store.

    my friend has a ps3 and has filled his hd with games and has to uninstall, reinstall, mess about when he wants to play a different game, consoles are for instant gaming if i wanted to arse about i would just buy the game for pc.

    I have a wii, played it maybe 4 times since christmas, gets old really fast. wouldnt recommend one unless your under 10

    Your friend should buy a bigger HDD, you can use any laptop SATA drive. Also most games don't require you to install them, it just helps them to load faster. Also see the above post with regard to the 360 having more games. (possibly they're better, but that's a matter of opinion) The £20 for 4 games is fantastic, I've never seen them for that cheap.

    Agree completely on the Wii being for younger kids.
  20. msg2009

    msg2009 Romulations sexiest member

    mine do charge up whilst im playing, they dont have them stupid insert AA battery packs they have a proper battery like in a mobile phone

    im just going by what hes told me, hes always moaning about it. i think hes mentioned tom clancys hawx and said it needs installing and takes up so many gb's