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What scares you...?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by iamlegend, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Firstly let me say that I don't want to start another
    thread full of stories of 12 year olds crashing their bikes
    and falling off mountains. (What kind of parents let a child climb a mountain??)

    I'm contemplating a project of a form still undecided...
    What I want to do is collect peoples thoughts on the themes
    of fear, sadness, despair etc.
    Where does your imagination go when you're lying in the dark..
    What makes you truly sad and sorrowful?
    What makes your spine tingle and your blood freeze?

    The supernatural? The unknown? Difference? Injury? Humanity?

    Think about a bit...
    And if you don't mind, share your thoughts
  2. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    My Big toe on my left foot.
    It was once missing more than a nail, and gushed blood.

    I guess the sight of my own mutilated body scares me.

    On a less serious note:
    Werewolves... maybe vampires, too... Ninja werewolf vampires... That is frightful.
  3. apophos755

    apophos755 Well-Known Member

    Console fanboys.
    What makes their choice of system superior? Is it just because "they" like it. Are they really that egotistical?

    Drag Queens.


    Tyra Banks.

    And this guy.....
  4. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    Tyra banks is sexy...
  5. TirithRR

    TirithRR Well-Known Member

    To bad she's freaking crazy.
  6. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    She can model xD
  7. kryz

    kryz Well-Known Member

    still... she's crazy...

    HOT and CRAZY!!!



    i guess when im alone, regretting of losing a very good once always gets into my head...

    and i hate it!!

    and what scares me the most is i wont be forgiven.... T_T

    and maybe the chupakabra too...
  8. kanakacheek

    kanakacheek Well-Known Member

    In the dark if I am scared it'd must be the supernatural.
    Why? You can beat the crap out of a robber but if it's the supernatural what can you do?

    My worst nightmare (the most realistic one) takes place in an hold asian style apartment. Concrete stairs and walls with barely any lighting. I was visiting a friend who happened to believe in the supernatural as well. I went into her house and found that it was covered with talismans (yellow paper with red words on it). She looks scared as we sat down across from each other. She talks about seeing things in her apartment, this old man that's dead. Suddenly she freezes and stares behind me. I turn around and saw a scrawny old man. He had no facial expression and was yellowish. This would be the first time I'm seeing a ghost so I freak out. My friend takes calms me down and says that there are things much worse in this house. We sat in silence and waits for something. Then from the walls out came 'she'. This woman long wild hair. She had no face, but down the middle of her face was a long cut that was sewed up with thick string. The cut was oozing with blood and pus.

    Then I woke up in the dark. I slept with all lights on after that. I'll never forget that face.
  9. Barathrum

    Barathrum Well-Known Member

    That sounds pretty scary. i've actually never had a very scary nightmare. Once when i was like 5, these ninjas were spraying this green poison at me and my family. My family dies, and i take the car. i drive and crash everything. it was pretty scary for a five year old ^.^
  10. XD9999

    XD9999 Well-Known Member

    Random thoughts about morals and reflection on past actions. It occurs to me passively when i have nothing to do.

    Its when i think of things that "could have been". Swimming in a sea of regrets.

    Cold mornings.

    If a ghost knows how to do laundry and house cleaning. He's more than welcome in my house.
  11. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    the thing that scares the crap out of me the most is being alone, I know it doesn't sound too bad but its more a psychological thing, being truly alone no contact with any one else left to you own devices, madness soon consumes you and you start to believe you are all that is left, think I am Legend without the freaky albinos.
    But yeah when I was a small child I was having a nap the rest of my family went down to the shops to get some stuff, they left me because they didn't want to wake me up, I woke up and thought my family had left me behind and just taken off, it was probably only 5 to 10 minutes but it felt like forever.
    To be alone is truly one of the worst things that could ever happen.
  12. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    i scare me the most, i'm scared that my own negativity and issues will over power my rationality and one day consume me and force me to do something stupid like take my own life.

    the monsters aren't under my bed they're in my head and they want out
  13. iamlegend

    iamlegend Well-Known Member

    Thanks those of you who have given serious replies
    Keep them coming...

    The rest of you can go spam somewhere else
    Lord knows there's enough threads full of that bullshit already
  14. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    The thing that scares me most: mistakes. Seriously. We know the saying "everybody makes mistakes". And it's true, most of the time. It's not that I'm scared of making mistakes, but the fear of making the tiny mistake that can make everything go awry. That's what scares me. So far, my fears haven't been confirmed.
  15. kougerai

    kougerai Well-Known Member

    I have to agree with that statement,

    Yet I am also afraid of the mistakes i have made in the past and don't want to repeat them.
  16. grimsim1

    grimsim1 Well-Known Member

    Failure. In everything I do. I want to achieve and be all that I can and be successful in it. Failure to be able to support my family one day. That kind of thing. It's basically the only thing that scares me.