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What NDS flashcard are you currently using?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by AtomicBlue, Nov 21, 2008.

  1. AtomicBlue

    AtomicBlue Member

    I'm just curious to know what NDS flash cards members of the community are using. I've been using the R4DS for a few months now, it's a great flashcard in my opinion, it hasn't given me any trouble with games so far but I heard that the company who makes them is retiring and won't be updating it anymore. I might consider getting a CycloDS or a SupercardDS if the newer games that are comming out won't be playable on the R4.

    Edit: Oh, and I might as well post my MicroSD card. Right now I'm using a Kingston 2GB. If The CycloDS or the SupercardDS support MicroSDHC then I might switch from the R4 to one of those and buy an 8GB MicroSD.
  2. Barney1952

    Barney1952 New Member

    I use the R4 and have had no trouble all of the games except for carnival games. Some off my Friends bought the TT card but had trouble with games freezing, they have since bought the R4 and all is working well
  3. ArrowMunda

    ArrowMunda New Member

    I use the SD One supercard, the USB thingy it came with broke in a matter of days but the card itself is great, came with a micro sdhc card (2gb kingston) every game i've tried works great.
  4. cactusjack901

    cactusjack901 Member

    I use an Acekard 2.1 with the AKAIO firmware, and a 4 GB Sandisk MicroSDHC. My only complaint is that I bought mine from a reseller on Amazon and I didn't get the MicroSD read, but I had one with the MicroSD card anyway, so it didn't matter. I've experienced no problems that I couldn't get around. Overall great cart, I wish it was more popular though, only thing (imo) that prevents it from being so popular is those batches of bad carts they had a while back
  5. icefire34

    icefire34 Well-Known Member

  6. razielleonhart

    razielleonhart Well-Known Member

    I use the R4 and i have had no problems with new games. And in slot 2 i use EZflash 3 in 1
  7. darksynyster

    darksynyster Well-Known Member

    I use a CycloDS flashcart and a Japanese Kingston 2 GB MicroSD.
  8. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    CycloDS Evolution w/ 8GB Card
    Friend is borrowing my EZFlash V+ w/ 2GB Card
    and I have an EZFlash 3in1
  9. thoughtshark

    thoughtshark Member

    I use the R4 and have only had a few problems with games freezing (Castlevania, Metroid Prime Hunters)
  10. t0mmyTC

    t0mmyTC Active Member

    R4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the r4 is the best.(the only one i tried ;D)
  11. Tubenz

    Tubenz Member

    M3 Real + 2gb sandisk micro sd
  12. Sbf93

    Sbf93 Well-Known Member

    Cyclo DS Evolution with a 2Gb sandisc micro sd!
    And my Neighbour using the same like the person in the post over me ;D

    But I think i have the better one, because if we are together with some friends my neighbour cant host a single-card-game! Than it says connection problem.
  13. Linkrocker

    Linkrocker Member

    Using Cyclo DS, my friend has an R4 and I have found no difference. Also using 2gb Sandisc MSD.

    @Sbf93: Maybe your friend is using a rom from a different region? Some games tend to do that, (i.e. Lego Indiana Jones).
  14. head635

    head635 Well-Known Member

    I use a DSTT with a 2GB SDHC memory
  15. 1Blacks1

    1Blacks1 Well-Known Member

    Same with me here
  16. darksynyster

    darksynyster Well-Known Member

    The CycloDS supports 8 GB MicroSDHC. I don't know about the other one.
  17. drktempl4r

    drktempl4r New Member

    im using r4. now theres so many new flashcarts i dont even know what they are lol.
  18. ShadowHiyru

    ShadowHiyru Member

    i have the 2 gig NCard. so far it's the only one to survive NDS rom problems without needing a patch (except for CT)
  19. Mishy

    Mishy Well-Known Member

    M3 Real with 4GB MicroSD HC SanDisk. And I'm completely happy, although, I might be getting a 8GB one soon...
  20. aphirst

    aphirst New Member

    The one, the only, EZ5+ ! (As opposed to the EZ5 or the EZ5 NYE :p)
    Brilliant card - has some fabulous features in development (RTS, Walkthrough, PSRAM GBA etc.) - almost perfectly stable. :D The Chrono Trigger fix was quickly implemented into a stable update, so the DevTeam aren't slackers :D

    EZV 3in1 Expansion Pack. Plays every GBA ROM I've thrown at it. ;)

    Coupled with an 8GB Class 6 MicroSDHC, how on earth can you go wrong? :p

    (Pretty much all the currently actively developed original (not obvious-clones) Flashcarts are worthwhile nowadays. The only real factor now is price :p. The EZ5+ and an EZV 3in1 can be gotten together for about £30 on DealExtreme, so there. :p Obviously, other cards are just as cheap, I'm just pretending to be a prat. ;) )