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What kind of Harvest Moon/Rune Factory game you're looking forward? :D

Discussion in 'Gaming Lounge' started by cookiestruck, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. cookiestruck

    cookiestruck New Member

    I just LOVE the Harvest Moon games. Well, in other way, I love Natsume games! ;D Well, there are actually few stuffs that I want to see in Harvest Moon...

    I'll start to tell what kind of HM/RF games I'm looking forward...

    Harvest Moon:
    Well, I basically LOVE the Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town and Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town. I have BOTH of them since I wanna play as girl and guy. I really want to have only one game but I can choose to play as girl/guy. And... I also wish we can choose the character appearance, like... ummm customize it by ourselves!

    I want it pretty similar to HM FoMT, like the graphics and stuffs... and I wanted to play it in DS! :D

    And and I really want if the main character got child, it'll be real fun if the child can go to work and get BF/GF and they can go to school (even it means to pay the school payment..).

    I really like the idea of changing clothes in Harvest Moon DS Cute. That feature should be added also! :p And we can also change our room theme, just like HM DS Cute. Then... I wish there are more furniture available~

    Rune Factory:
    I love everything here. I just want it to be 2D graphics ( I like 2D ._. ) and I wanted to play as girl... xD

    Well, I'm talking way too much... So.. how's your Harvest Moon/Rune Factory dream game?
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I want a Harvest Moon where you can screw around with every woman (if your character is male) in the game & not marry any one of 'em just to have kids :p

    I also want to be able to cook chickens, Cows & sheep too instead of just profiting off of eggs, wool & milk :p
  3. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Rune Factory 3 was perfect.
  4. Lanchan

    Lanchan New Member

    I found that here in Europe Rune Factory 3 was releases last September. I can't wait to play it ç_ç I too adore HM: FoMT e HM.MFoMT and in a similar way I liked HM DS and HM DSCute (especially for Skye :p) Let's see when we'll see HM: Tales of Two Towns

    What I REALLY REALLY aiming to is a Harvest Moon to play online T_____T
  5. Saiyajin Mui

    Saiyajin Mui Well-Known Member

    Truth be told, I'll play it if it has 'Harvest Moon' or 'Rune Factory' in the title. I love those sorts of games.
  6. boxihead

    boxihead Well-Known Member

    I prefer Rune Factory, but the first one is my favorite. I would like a continue to the first, with Raguna getting older, and becoming mayor etc. But on the 3/DS I would like to change Raguna's clothes. That would be nice.