i have a full tower, spire x navigator. it's windowless because i didn't wanted green or blue or etc. colors to be illuminated when i'm using the computer.
Personally I don't modify my computer cases, it's money I don't need to spend because all it gives me in return is some fancy eye candy which usually end up being turned off whenever I'm not at a LAN-party. Besides the computers I buy already come with a somewhat nice case, the latest one even had this thing on the top which allowed for an external HDD to be plugged in, it looks damn sweet and it's a very nice functionality, no need to get a USB cable down behind the damn thing.
I have a crap one currently, mid tower, but the airflow is so terrible that I have to run it with the side panel off. If the panel was on, there is a lion king silohette with a yellow cold cathode behind it. Completely home made, so it does look slightly irregular, as I cut the hole, glued in the window; and stuck the sillohette on myself. I am attempting to design a new case in the shape of Pride Rock, since my current one will damage the computer eventually (not enough airflow, and the disk drives are too close together.) but my design skills are somewhat lacking I'll post the designs when I eventually make some good enough for people to see
there's a mistake here, i have the aspire x-pleasure full case. it looks like this; http://www.directron.com/xpleasurebk.html except it doesn have the glass. also, when you mod your case, it's not only to look fancy but to accomodate your needs for having sufficient system air flow as well as having a fully developed design that fits your structure (build the way you want it). it is hard work though.
I couldnt agree more. Even though I haven't modded mine much by 'normal' modding standards, I have been involved with a friend's modding, and he went straight in at the deep end. He had me figure out how to turn off the lights in illuminated fans without stopping the fan, so he could turn them on and off at will.
Hey Lion send me a pick of the inside of your case and I might be able to help you out with your cooling issue. Address is [email protected] SB
I'll find one, but I'm pretty sure I know what the problem is... the case just aint designed to hold what ive crammed in it
Ok, I found one (not currently at home so its, a bit of an old picture. That said, not much has changed barring the addition of a Matrox RT.X100 analogue capture card. As you can see, the issue is mainly the literal 'wall' of cable between the racks and the main part of the case. There are now two case fans, one is in front of the hard disks, the other replaced the Vantec Stealth in the picture. Both are Vantec Tornados, and there is also a PCI slot exhaust fan mounted under the GFX card. The racks contain 4 hard disks (2x system drives in RAID1 and 2x high speed SATAII drives for storing video), 2x DVD writers, the breakout box for my sound card and something else i cant remember what. There is also a floppy drive, and yes I still use it. One hard drive bay is lost because the PCI-E power connector can't fit in if theres a drive there, so that is why the system drives are separated.
my tricked case is a full thermatake X with blue and green neons 2 blue fans and 2 red fans with uv wireloom and 1` unv neon to go with that and .. lets see... 1 dvdrw and 1 dvd rom with a light bus * for my neons* a fan and temp bus*for .. well its self explanitory* a 2.5gig procesor with 1g of ram and a 250 g hard drive with a 560 wat powersupply. 1 flatpanal hd wit remoat 15in, and ... lol one ctx regular monitor and 2.1 surround sound with a MASSAVE BASE , a black media keyboard and a blu lighted mouse... yah that sums it up ill post pics when i get my camera back from a friend.
Loonylion - There is no simple solution there , you need to buy a bigger case to resolve that Personally myself I have a med-long case designed by ZNXT (Trinity ATX Mid-Tower) Regards,
I have a thermalrock Circle case its a full tower if a great look http://www.hardwareportal.ru/News/Pictures/December.2004/Thermalrock-circle.jpg
I've got this case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811156062 I'm too lazy to take my own pictures, but thats the case I have. I have the PSU that came with it in a safe place as a back up. Currently sporting this and a Antec True Power Trio 550w. I got the case because I needed more airflow for my 8800 and processor upgrades, originally an HP case. The only thing still the same is the mobo and hard drive, though I have since purchased another HDD of bigger size; New HDD = 320GB, an amazing deal actaully considering prices in stores. Newegg rules for all things computer, check it. Did that sound like an ad or what? EDIT: I like that circle case..