psp: starwars battlefront renagade squadron ds: pokemon diamond. ps3: mlb the show 09 xbox 360: halo 3 gba: pokemon firered & emerald gbc: pokemon silver gb: pokemon yellow pc: need 4 speed hot pursuit 3
well, for the ps2 you have dragon quest 8 (RPG), god of war one and two (action), metal gear solid two and three (action/surreptitious action). for the computer you have gears of war (third-person shooter), dead space (survival horror/action), call of duty 4 and 5 (FPS), crysis and crysis warhead (FPS), etc.
For PS2, I highly recommend FF series...and Shin Megami Tensei series For PC, Startegy and FPS games are the best... GTA is good too..
psp: God of War ds: Shin Megami Tensei Ps2:God of War I,II ps3: inFamous ,MGS4 ,Call of Duty 5 xbox 360: Gears of War 2 ,Fable 2 gba: Sonic ,Mario RPG gbc: Mario gb: Contra pc: Battlefield:Heroes - Warfare 1944-1917 (flash) Wii: Sucks.
Xbox: The Tail Of Spyro A new Beginning DS: Pokemon platinum GBA: Astro Boy Omega Factor GBC: Pokemon silver GB: 128-in-1 Menu (1993) (Unl) [a1] PC: Ancient Ants Adventure(YoYo Games website and game address: is the site for the game.
DS: Lego Star Wars the complete trilogy PC: World of Warcraft PS2: Kingdom Hearts PS3: Infamous Xbox: Halo Xbox 360: Gears of War Wii: Super Smash Bros GC: Mario Party
DS: ace attorney series!, pokemon DPPt ,SMT devil summoner,crhono trigger,DQ 5,FF 4,megaman star force 3, PSP : resitance retribution, FF 7 crisis core, star ocean 1 /2
ps1-final fantasy 8 ps2-final fantasy 12 xbox 360-fall out 3 gba-golden sun (either one) ds-ff12 revenant wings pc-cod5