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What is the different between a R4 flash card and a GEI flash card?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by honeypot88, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. honeypot88

    honeypot88 Member

    I had bought a NDSi XL that come with a GEI flash card.. i found out that many ppl are using the R4 flash card.. so i wonder what is the different between two of this flash card.. some ppl say that R4 is the original flash card for using in the NDS download game.. some ppl say that it is the same just different company... so i really confuse in two of this flash card.. hoping that anyone who really know abt this two flash card can give some comment.. thx... =)
  2. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    R4 was the original but died out around the time the DS Lite came out. All the ones you see now are fakes that are using the R4 name to sell (often inferior) flashcarts. Most R4s are utter crap with firmware that hardly ever gets updated leaving them unable to play some (especially newer) games. It is also extremely difficult to get support for them from people because there are hundreds of different ones all using more or less the same name, and most R4 owners don't have a clue which variant they have (because its not usually made clear which variant a card is, because they're attempting to pass it off as a genuine R4)

    It is not advised to get one.

    Also, please refrain from using shorthand words such as 'ppl' on this forum, it makes it harder for non-native english speakers to read your posts, so we have a rule requiring full english sentences with words written out in full.
  3. honeypot88

    honeypot88 Member

    oh i see.. Thanks for your information..

    That mean the GEI card also is a clone or fake R4 flash card?

    Then i have some problem while playing the download game.. The game freeze in the middle of playing.. so i wonder is the card problem or the roms problem?
  4. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    it is virtually never the rom.

    The GEI isn't a fake R4, it may however be a clone of an R4 or another cart (there's a few different carts, some of which have clones sold under other names, such as the EDGE, which is a clone of a cyclods evolution) Some clones are better than others (EDGE is almost as good as the cyclods, while the N5 is an extremely poor clone of the R4))
  5. honeypot88

    honeypot88 Member

    Then the GEI flash card is consider a good one? Or it is the poor one as well?
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    I don't know. It's one of the least common ones, and from that I presume it isn't one of the best. Whether it is decent or poor I cannot say.
  7. honeypot88

    honeypot88 Member

    oh.. Thanks for your information... =)