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what is the best "Pool / Billiards" game for NDS ?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by stonegolem, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    as far as I see, almost all of the Pool / Billiards games got low scores on game reviews.

    I am not a billiards fan but I would like to have one game on this genre.

    what would you suggest ? and please tell me why it's better that others.

    thank you.
  2. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    if you have a flash cart, you could just download all of them and try them out and see which one you like the best. It's pretty much a personal opinion
  3. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    I have tried the recent EU version of the Power Play Pool.
    I couldn't enjoy :(

    actually I was thinking that the DS system is very suitable for a pool game.
    maybe I'm mistaken.
  4. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    power play pool was crap...and the DS is very capable of having a good pool game, i think Club house games might have a pool game in the mix of all the other games in it...I'll check it out and report back
  5. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    I tried almost every pool game available for DS.

    Underground Pool
    PowerPlay Pool
    Actual Pool
    Billiard Action
    World Snooker Championship

    some of these games are same but have different names just because of region.
    to be honest, I couldn't enjoy with any of them.

    NDS is a very capable device, I hope they can make a nice pool game for this system.
  6. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    sorry, i completely forgot to post back.

    I did try the billiards on clubhouse games and it's not much better than the other games...sorry
  7. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    don't worry & thank you for your help.
    I didn't check the clubhouse games. I will give it a try as well.

    I will play one of the old PS1 games called "virtual pool 3" on PSP until a nice pool game or DS arrives.
  8. primenay13

    primenay13 Member

    I have played many pool games on the ds and I have to say that clubhouse games is the best. Nintendo doesn't make it any more though so you have to download a rom or buy it used.
  9. Krusha

    Krusha Well-Known Member

    Yeah the clubhouse games on isn't that bad...
    When you consider that CHG is a compilation of many games it seems way better then the other pool games on DS, albeit theres no "traditional" pool game on CHG, just 9ball
  10. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    that's true, but if you forget about all of the other crappy pool games out and look at the CHG version...it's not very good either.

    But in the end it is the best version...but a decent pool games really needs to come out
  11. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    Re: what is the best \"Pool / Billiards\" game for NDS ?

    I have just tried that Club House Games compilation.
    it's a very worthy game pack !!!
    thanks for advice.
    Post Merge: [time]1248624780[/time]
    "Ultimate Game Room" juts released and it contains a pool game as well (9 and 8 ball games)

    it reminds me "underground pool".
    actually, it's not bad !!!
  12. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    clubhouse is a very good game pack...i play it quite often.

    i was just about to post about Ultimate Game Room...although its basically Clubhouse Games
  13. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    I have save game problems for "Clubhouse"
    do you have save creation problem as well ?

    while creating the profile it says saving "do not power off.. etc" and it can;t pass that screen.
    I can restart the DS and load that profile. but whenever I need to save there is a problem.

    any known solution ? (I have Acekard 2i)

    That game worths a lot. And it can't be very expensive, so I decided to buy that. but I couldn't find the game itself on the stores. I will be happy if anyone can point out a location in Toronto if they have seen one on the shelves (used or new)

    and I will be happy if someone tells me how to fix the save problem with rom as well.

  14. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    for the Acekard, try updating the firmware...i use a CycloDS so someone else will be able to help you more on your problems, try posting it in the help sections and search around to see if anyone else has trouble witht he Acekard 2.

    As i understand Clubhouse games was discontinued (i could be wrong), so finding it new in stores is going to be hard. I just checked amazon.com and they are still selling it new for 15 dollars USD. Check there, I don't know if they have a different site for Canada...but it should be the same
  15. stonegolem

    stonegolem Active Member

    thank you.
    I can't shop online so I'll try my luck on game stores. I also asked my friends to check their local game shops (such as EB games) for this game.

    I'll also check the help section right now to see learn more about the AceKard 2i compatibility.
  16. musiclegend14

    musiclegend14 Well-Known Member

    I don't know why you can't shop online...but try ebay, you can send people checks or whatever in the mail instead of risking giving out your info online.