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what is the best flash cart

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by sasomaso, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    i need to know what is the best flash cart
    and plese dont say r4
  2. johnx

    johnx Well-Known Member

    I say the best flash cart is Acekard 2i
  3. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Acekard 2i w/ AKAIO
  4. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    there is two
    Acekard 2i or supercard
    what i have to choose ??/
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    For GBA emulation with NDS support, then SuperCard DSTwo.

    For NDS, then AK2i.
  6. kira9340

    kira9340 Well-Known Member

    acekard is ranked the best flash card out there
  7. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    After Supercard DSTwo
  8. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    i think supercard
    its better than acekard ??
  9. AnimeboyX3

    AnimeboyX3 Well-Known Member

    In actuality The SuperCard DSTwo is ranked the best but the most expensive Acekard2i is Ranked #2 and at a reasonable price.It's all up to you though.
  10. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    The DSTwo is okay. The GBA emulation is only sub-par right now, and it already had to have a firmware update once. It is only ranked #1 based on their promises so far, not so much experience. It can't truly be considered the best after less then a month.

    I personally would go with an Acekard2i + EZ Flash 3in1 if you have a DSlite or a DS Phat. Not only is it cheaper, but it will do GBA emulation much better. The AKAIO firmware for the Acekard2i also makes it work perfectly with every release right now. If you have a DSi though and want GBA emulation, the Supercard DSTwo is pretty much your only option.
  11. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    ihave ds fhat but i will choose supercard dstwo
  12. Kiekoes

    Kiekoes Guest

    That's a good choice ;D
  13. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    because i watched video about it and i liked it
    its better than Acekard2i
  14. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member


    Having a DS phat, you really should have gone with the Acekard2i + EZ Flash 3in1. The Supercard DSTwo is still working off of promises, there is still no proof it is the best cart. The only reason it is rated so highly is because people go "Oh, look, Slot 1 GBA emulation! I don't care how bad it is, I'm buying this cart because of that!". The cart hasn't even been out for a month. I personally wouldn't purchase a new flash cart that promised so much on the pre-release until it proved it could deliver.
  15. sasomaso

    sasomaso Member

    so what i have choose
    supercard two or Acekard2i
    some people say get supercard dstwo and other Acekard2i
  16. kira9340

    kira9340 Well-Known Member

    well u can get a r4i. it's just as same as acekard2i but a r4i sticker slapped onto it
  17. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It's up to you entirely.


    They are the worst flashcart there is.
  18. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Except for original R4. The only issue with that is the 2gb limit.
  19. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member

    But good luck trying to find an original R4.

    ShopTemp sells them I guess.
  20. game4nds

    game4nds Active Member

    m3i zero,now maybe supercard dstwo.