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What is RomUlation doing *right*?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by orethrius, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. orethrius

    orethrius Member

    I know this is bound to attract some sort of drama, but I really don't care. Too much negativity on the Internet these days...

    So, here's what I've seen RomUlation doing right (apologies if I miss something, this list isn't meant to be exhaustive):
    • Good, coherent design, formulated by user input
    • Up-to-the-minute listings of relevant ROMs, as well as other materials
    • Well-informed moderation team, with a modicum of self-restraint (try finding that ANYWHERE else)
    • Good response time (to premium members, at least; I suspect it's similar for regular and non-members, as well)*

    * I would like to specifically call out an incident caused by my own oversight. I switched between PCs for downloading ROMs, and failed to notice that my download manager on one of them was improperly setup. As a result, ten threads were opened to one download in the span of a few seconds. Justifiably, my connection was terminated, and I realized the issue straightaway. After resetting the threads to "1 per server", I attempted to restart the download, to no avail. I cleared my cookies, emptied my cache, logged out and back in, and eventually restarted - no dice. I waited an hour, and the downloads finally functioned again. It was then that I realized that protection measures are in place to keep the servers available to everyone.

    I will say that again, because it bears repeating.
    Protection measures are in place, to keep the servers available to EVERYONE.

    That's such a huge deal, and very few people notice it, but a great deal take it for granted.

    It just seems like the crew here have their heads in the game, and I - for one - truly appreciate that.
    So many other places would've banned me outright for being an idiot once in my online life, but these guys did nothing of the sort.

    If anyone else can think of something I missed, or want to add your own "competent staff" story, please feel free to discuss.

    Oh, and thanks for being there, guys. It'd be so easy to just be "assholes on the Internet", and you guys tend to avoid that behavior.
    I probably come across as a kissass for saying that, but I really do appreciate your conduct.
  2. necr0

    necr0 Well-Known Member

    Apologies for that.
    But as you said, there is a reason for that. Protection measures need to be in place or this site will just overload so quickly.

    Thankyou very much for saying this.
    It is always nice to find people that are willing to say 'you're doing something right' instead of being a bitch and saying what we're doing wrong.

    We're always going to be here 'till the very end.
    We try not to be assholes. We do out best to help out in every way we can.

  3. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    been a member since 2007 romulation has it all.i never bitched about anything and the people in here can be quite friendly even if you are not a premium member.i know i am.well not all the time but sometimes i just "troll" so dont take me for serious :p

    i am not sure about the protection but i always download with IDM not sure if it connects too much xD
  4. orethrius

    orethrius Member

    I know that comment is a knee-jerk reaction to rampant asshattery, but don't apologize when something is working as intended, at least not to me. :D

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm here to "jaxor da gamez" (bad joke, sorry, kicking myself already).
    I just never got the point of shitting all over the guys who are providing the downloads.
    I take nothing for granted, and realize that this could all be gone tomorrow, so I honestly do want to get to know each and every one of y'all. :)

    Yes, I know, I'm like Casper.
    We're typically not described as "friendly", but I'd like to cut some of the attitude that you guys get from leechers who think that you owe them anything.

    Here's to a long and healthy RomUlation! Cheers! :D
  5. thricee

    thricee Well-Known Member

    meanwhile in Ukraine
  6. orethrius

    orethrius Member

    Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice, which was moved to Ukraine just last week amid controversy that the U.S. was going to outsource the jobs of the Superfriends... :D
  7. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I'm a squirtle.
  8. orethrius

    orethrius Member

    I'm a Charmander. Together, we go whacky, campy adventures! :D
  9. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Were you a premium member when this happened? Because if so then it should have let you download without problem and I need to look into that.
  10. orethrius

    orethrius Member

    Wow, um, thanks for responding! :D

    To answer your question, yes I was a premium member when this happened, but I think I know what happened (one of two things):
    [list type=decimal]
    [*]DTA (DownThemAll!) has behavioral issues when it doesn't get its way; instead of failing gracefully, it hammers the server.*
    [*]Part of my "reset" routine involved logging out, purging cookies and login stores, attempting the download while logged out, canceling, then logging back in and trying again.**

    * Here, no fix would be necessary; it's normal for a server to reject a certain IP's transactions when it's hammered by a poorly-configured client.
    ** This is such a specific course of action, that I wouldn't expect it to happen 99.9% of the time. Details are provided for re-creation purposes. ;)

    Either way, I'm amazed by the response time, and thank you for taking the time to check all this out! 8)