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What happens to a Pokemon's stats when evolved?

Discussion in 'Game Help' started by bobobob1, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    Here's my question.

    I want to know what happens to a pokemon's stats when evolved. For example, let's say I use a fire stone on Vulpix. As it evolves into Ninetales, do its stats change? Or, if I trade Kadabra, and it evolves into Alakazam, do its stats change?

    Basically, does the act of evolution boost stats at all?
  2. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's one of the whole points of doing that, besides having access to newer moves.
    It takes the base stats from a Ninetales, and not a Vulpix when it is evolved.

    Not Fully Evolved pokemon generally have much lower base stats compared to their end products.
  3. bobobob1

    bobobob1 Well-Known Member

    But do the stats change the moment you evolve it, or do you have to level up first?

    Say that Vulpix's stats are this:
    HP: 31
    Atk: 34
    Def: 23
    Sp. Atk: 40
    Sp. Def:36
    Speed: 40

    Then I use a fire stone.
    What happens to those stats now?
  4. insanecrazy07

    insanecrazy07 Well-Known Member

    Can't answer that question unless I know the EVs invested and IVs, as well as Nature.

    Look at the base stats between the two.