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What Games

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Kingo33, Aug 26, 2009.

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  1. Kingo33

    Kingo33 Well-Known Member

    I Thinking But i don't know what Gameboy advanced or Nds games i should download please reply with some

    I played: Dragon Ball Z Games
    Yu gi oh Gba and Nds
    Lego Starwars
    Lego Batman
    Lego Indinaia Jones

    Those are some
  2. Nfi

    Nfi Member

    Well you could try Yggdra Union (GBA)
    It's a tactical game, kinda hard though
  3. meganova

    meganova Well-Known Member

    First,how about list down the game that you have played?
    and then,we can suggest the game other than what you have listed. :)
  4. aeba7

    aeba7 Member

    What I/other people like may not appeal to you. With that being said, here's what I recommend

    Tales of Phantasia (gba)[personal fav]
    Avalon code (ds)
    Phoenix Wright (the whole series, including Apollo Justice) (ds) [personal fav]
    All the (ds) Castlevanias
    Elite beat agents (ds)
    Mario Party (ds)
    Final fantasy 3/4 (ds)
    dragon quest 4/5 (ds)
    final fantasy crystal chronicles (both) (ds) [personal fav]

    just go on gamespot and sort the games by genre. that or sort the romulation downloads according to most downloads; 50k downloads can't be wrong.
  5. MadmanNero

    MadmanNero Well-Known Member

    I just don't understand. There are thousands upon thousands of games here and people don't know what they what to play?
    I can understand asking peoples opinion on games to recommend if there was a base game to start. Maybe I am missing the point, or I'm just in one of my moods again. And what is wrong with just picking a game you never played and trying it out you may be surprised what you may discover and its not like it is costing anything other than your time to download it (and I am not counting download points).
  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Please stop creating multiple threads asking the same thing, especially when they are duplicates of threads that already exist in the gaming lounge.
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