Mines Are Ace attorney ( i just got it) sega racing ,Ragnarock , sonic and sega racing( why dose it include sonic sonic is in sega already so what's the point ?), Yugioh 5D , pokemon SS thats all i think i want and did u know there gonan be some called rockman zero collection for japan ?
POKEMON FTW whats sonic collection? Post Merge: [time]1266358111[/time] Zomg i just saw the sonic thing wow it's like the really olds ones i loved those dose hg and ss for rom dose it work on wi fi?
GOW3 P.H.O.G/Beat Jap ver.lol Sonic Collection DS. Sucker for all sonic game I wish that Dreamcast ver of sonic can run on the ds. SSFIV
Final Fantasy XIII and Resonance of Fate. Might find something else I'll be interested in at some point.
Pokemon SS Sonic Classic Collection Dementium 2 possibly Infinite Space and the new Warioware. Monster Hunter Tri (lol @ the moron fan boys) Btw I doubt golden sun will be release by june.
Yay for bumping a two month old topic! Lost Planet 2, 3D Dot Game Heroes, I'm interested in Alan Wake and that's about it.