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What game are you playing now?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aiiko, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Aiiko

    Aiiko Well-Known Member

    Please include details :D

    I'm currently playing Gregory Horror Show for the PS2 which is based on an eerie Japanese cartoon of the same name;you have wandered to the Gregory Hotel and want to get out.Death gives you a body after instructing you to collect the lost souls trapped inside the hotel.As well as collecting their souls you have to hide from angry guests that range from the nurse with a blood fetish to a boy with a roulette wheel built into his head.
    Of course,you do get help off your neighbour Neko Zombie and can find out tidbits about the souls and themselves by spying on the guests.Not all of the guests are after your blood though-some are quite benevolent.Great game,I haven't gotten bored with it and my favourite character is Hell's Chef ;D
  2. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    Hehe, I'm currently playing Forza 2 Motorosport on the XBOX360. Considered the ultimate racing simulation being the only racing game that doesn't require "game modes" to allow you to do something you love. Although the game's only racing mode is racing itself you can easily have drag races, drift races, cops and robbers and all the juicy stuff by customizing the various options the game gives you.

    I'm also playing Gears of War on the XBOX360. The current leader for the next-gen shooter genre this game does not dissapoint. No game does this type of play style so well, in fact it's the only game that does this kind of play style. 4 on 4 where each player has 1 life a piece per round. Sounds ridiculous but people would have it no other way. People say it's the successor to Halo because of the ability to have such satisfying teamwork in this game.

    I'm also playing other games on the side like Project Sylpheed for the XBOX360, several games for the PSP, and several games for the Nintendo DS(emulator)

  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    I'm currently playing Urban Terror. A first person shooter with emphasis on fun and speed with realism coming second (still more CS like than Doom). It was originally a Quake 3 modification with realism added. Eventually it transpired into a stand alone game.

    No new-gen game has every been able to match the satisfaction that Urban Terror provides, sure they have more fancy graphics but the gameplay of Urban Terror is absolutely amazing and fun. Coupled with continued development of new Maps and more features makes this game far superior to ANY other FPS game.

    I've been playing this game for roughly 6 years now, I've played with the best of the best and against the best of the best. Currently I'm playing in the #1 ranked CTF clan. Though, now a days the amount of really skilled players are a lot less. A couple of years back an old clan A+R which I was a member of was actually fighting for the 2nd place.

    Though I've tuned down by addiction I still enjoy playing this game, I often spend an hour or two owning people, I'm still not too shabby. :)

    I'm always up for a game if anyone's interested.
  4. metal10

    metal10 Active Member

    Dynasty Warriors Fighters Battle
  5. G.C

    G.C Well-Known Member

    Gran Turismo 4 - Huge Driving Simulator
    Rainbow Six Vegas - FPS
    Pokemon Pearl - Duh
  6. Relys

    Relys Well-Known Member

    Resident Evil 4 - Wii

    Paper Mario - N64
  7. xHaiTeKx

    xHaiTeKx Well-Known Member

    I agree, I used to play Urban Terror when I had my kick-ass computer. That game is fun, the only other game I ever played longer than it is Quake 3 Arena, which I played for roughly 6-7 years.
