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What flashcart to buy and where from?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by levhey, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. levhey

    levhey New Member

    We already have an acekard but I can't remember where we got it from but we need a new one for my daughter too, whats the best one to get (for someone not very techie) and where's the best place to get it from? Thanks in advance!
  2. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    I think most people here recommend Shoptemp.And either Acecard2i or that new Supercard
  3. windowsvista

    windowsvista Active Member

    I would recommend going to Shoptemp and getting SuperCard DS Two I have it and I enjoy it and fully supports GBA emulation :D
  4. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    And SNES. Though that emulator needs a LOT of work still...
  5. Joseg1320

    Joseg1320 Well-Known Member

    I bought an Acekard 2i 4 days ago and I never owned a flashcart before nor did I know how to use them. It was super easy, just needed to download the akaio firmware and drag it onto the micro sd card and that's it, it was ready to go. I would really recommended it, although I hear that the Supercard DStwo is the best one it also costs more.

    I got my Acekard 2i with a 2GB microSD for $25.00 at www.leetmod.com
  6. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member


    Although I severely need to update the bottommost spoiler, it still gives a good idea. I'll go ahead and give the run down here though.

    The question of which DS you have used to be important, but not so much anymore. Below I will list the definitive best carts on the market as it stands. This comes down to only two carts as this point, as the CycloDS has just become too lengthy in updates to be worth the hefty price tag.

    Supercard DSTwo

    This is the definitive, best cart available for DS systems.

    - Near 100% compatibility with games with the only hiccups being in older titles. Many of these have been fixed though.
    - Great, Slot 1 GBA Emulator. This isn't the absolute best out there, but considering the price of the cart and the DSi's lack of a Slot 2, this is absolutely amazing.
    - SNES Emulator that easily surpasses the shoddy homebrew emulators available to all.
    - Many plug ins for ease of use in many aspects
    - Great media support for music and video
    - Many fun extras for in game
    - Supports large MicroSD cards

    The list goes on and on making this cart just flat out amazing. I can not recommend anything over it, but I can give a more simple choice for those looking for something less extravagant.


    The Acekard2i is an excellent cart with the use of the third party AKAIO firmware.

    - Great compatibility and supports patched games well
    - Inexpensive
    - Supports large MicroSD cards
    - Great cart for the cost

    This cart lacks all of the bells and whistles of the DSTwo but serves all the possible needs of somebody just looking to play DS games.

    I recommend buying from the following places for either cart:


    Note: Avoid being strayed by other carts and especially R4 cards. The R4 Original is the only respectable R4 cart out there, and even then, it only supports 2gb or below MicroSD cards. It is the cart I personally have, as it is wonderful with the Wood R4 firmware, but I can't recommend it with other carts that can offer near identical or better compatibility with much higher memory capacity.

    MicroSD Cards

    Places may tempt you with bundles, but I highly suggest purchasing a Sandisk MicroSD card separately if they aren't offered through the sites bundles. Kingston is generally a poor brand that are just considered Sandisk knock offs, and are not recommended.

    Feel free to post if you have anymore questions (obviously :p).
  7. alukado

    alukado Well-Known Member

    Nathan Drake is professional ..
    I also recommend a site : http://www.slickgate.com/acekard-2i-ak2i-141-compatible-for-3dsnds-litendsindsi-xl_p1800.html
    They promise your a latest acekard 2i, moreover, they'll install the firmware for you if you order the microSD together.
  8. levhey

    levhey New Member

    Thanks for that have ordered Acekard 2i from shop temp!