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What Flashcart should I get for my DSi? Suggestions please!

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by LuckyIori, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    I'm a noob when it comes to deciding and when it comes to Flshcarts overall :-[ Nevertheless I want a Flashcart that would work flawlessly and is up to date with games, for my DSi and possibly could work with my 3DS. Any suggestions? Also please provide website links. Thank you very much! :D :D
  2. Prectorian

    Prectorian . Staff Member

    When it comes to playing NDS rom; R4i Gold 3DS and SuperCard DSTWO. For 3DS rom on 3DS console; Gateway and R4i 3DS Deluxe. Those are your better options. As for website links, just Google the names, and you'll be directed to it. Some of the websites when typed in this forum will be auto changed to "spam site", so no point for me to type them here.
  3. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    Ah okay, I've searched the card and thought the R4i Gold 3DS would be the better option, thank you very much sir! ;D
  4. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    I'm also looking for a (couple) of card(s) to play NDS games on our 3DS but there appear to be so many from lots of different sellers directed from spam site?

    Can anyone recommend a decent card at a cheap price from a good seller - preferably quick despatch to the UK?


    edit: I didn't write spam site (above). A moderator has changed that from a pukka website that I entered.
  5. Innnjoy

    Innnjoy Member

    Yeah so many flashcarts too hard to choose, i searched many game forums and asked on Yahoo, most of the answers is R4i gold 3ds card , finally i got one

    this card from one online store called OZ3DS with a good price by comparing with other stores, received it before Xmas , really like they said it uses wood

    firmware and update pretty fast , now can support my DSi1.45 and 3DS 6.3.0-12 , your guys can google it and take a look.
  6. LuckyIori

    LuckyIori Member

    @angusangus I ordered mine from here mate http://www.playgamer.co.uk/g-638-Wood-R4i-Gold-3DS.html
    It's already arrived in three days ;D
    Thanks for the info, will check it out :D @InnJoy
  7. angusangus

    angusangus Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies Innnjoj and LuckyIori. Great info, cheers.

    I must have been blind before Christmas when i was looking for a UK seller as I couldn't find one. That link is excellent Lucky and as I need a couple, 'like yesterday' to take on holiday, a three day turnaround is very attractive.

    So, I'm ordering 2 of the cards Innnjoy mentions, for a tenner each.

    That'll do for me, thanks again

    Edit: just ordered and says 'Hong Kong' post, so all I can do is wait and see.