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What Flashcart do you have and where did you get it? DS/DSI

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by zeromac, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. zeromac

    zeromac New Member

    Just wondering what flashcart people use around here and where they got it from. I myself have an R4, hey don't look down on me lol, the Wood firmware is keeping the R4 on par with the Acekard and AKAIO which TBH isn't getting many updates.
    Wood over all is a pretty good firmware to play new games on now and thats why i love my R4. That and i also got mine dirt cheap :p Mine was like 6 bucks, i checked DX and they had em for 8 bucks when i looked.
    If anyone cares i got mine from shoptemp


    But i was wondering how the other cards handle new releases and such, i know the DSTWO is awesome but how is the M3 or the Ismart and the obscure flashcarts?
  2. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    I have an R4i, which I got as part of the deal when I bought it from a shop. Where I live, piracy isn't scanned or even noticed (unless some megastar from the states raise a stink and maybe we'll actually give a crap for all of one day) so the shops distribute it in broad daylight. It updates pretty frequently, about once a month - usually on the 23rd or 14th of the month, and they usually solve all the AP problems by then.

    Mine was about uh...I don't know, but the whole thing, including the adapter and the card and the DS itself cost me about 200 US dollars at the time. Which is fair after you include all the import/profit of the shop and such, of course.
  3. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    $200 for a flash cart is insane.

    I personally have had an Original R4 since September 2009. I had just learned of flash carts and started researching. I found many R4 variations, but looking at price, I went with the Original R4. I had no idea it was the best R4 and that the others were clones at the time. I was completely new to the DS scene when it came to all of this. I found it at one of those eBay esque sites for a flat $4 (about $4 shipping too), so I went for it. It wasn't until December that year that I actually built up enough funds for a 2gb MicroSD card with which to use with my cart.

    Once again, the 2gb was basically pure luck. I just couldn't afford a higher capacity card, so I figured 2gb would be good. I didn't find until later that it had a 2gb limit due to not supporting SDHC.

    I've come a long way in one year.
  4. Zydaline

    Zydaline Well-Known Member

    Nono, not for the flash cart. The flash cart + the DS itself.
  5. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Oh, that's not that bad then.
  6. timmy1991

    timmy1991 Well-Known Member

    SupercardDStwo - Shoptemp $36
    R4DS+2GB MicroSD - Dealwoot (no longer sell flashcarts) $20
  7. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    first i had no idea about everything so i bought a DSTT

    but later i got a r4 for nothing

    but i want a dstwo :'(
  8. Artie2000

    Artie2000 New Member

    I'm looking at a M3i Zero. I don't have a DS yet, but I thought about getting the Card, just in case they might disappear from the market. ::)

    I'd like to get a DSi XL :D, some time down the road. The bigger screen and all, you know. I have to find one for a good price. Gaming is not all that high on my list, there are other items that have priority for me now.

    Basically it would be for the original Nintendo games. I really like Zelda the Windwaker, and they moved that graphic style to the DS. And then, the Mario games of course.

    So: The M3i Zero, a good choice?
  9. personuser

    personuser Well-Known Member

    M3 perfect SD SLOT2 PRELOADED WITH ROMS + 1GB MicSD + MicSD-SD Converter + DS Phat: $200. Mom bought from an ebay dealer near christmas '07 by accident; the dealer made it seem like she was selling a bunch of DS carts with it instead of a cart full of em. What a perfect mistake. I actually discovered how to add apps and roms in early 2010 :p

    DSTWO + 16gb Sandish MicSDHC: $81. Bought from shoptemp almost a month ago.
  10. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    DealExtreme = Acekard 2i (3x), EZ Flash IV, EZ Flash Vi.
    Shoptemp = SuperCard DSTwo and R4 "Original"


    Forgot some. :p

    R4DSUSA = R4 III Upgrade (2x)
    Ebay = R4 (Real) Original
  11. doughboy

    doughboy Guest

    heres what I send to everyone else...
  12. sylar1000

    sylar1000 Well-Known Member

    Deal extreme - Acekard 2.1 (3 over the course of a few weeks or so)
    3 4 GB microsd cards from merit line i think it was over the orse of a few weeks.

    All together 1 acekard 2.1 + 1 4GB microsd card only cost me 20 bucks, i have never regretted this purchase.
  13. LuckyTrouble77

    LuckyTrouble77 Well-Known Member

    Not many know about it, but realhotstuff has a second site.


    Stuff seems to generally be overall cheaper there, but it does ship from China. You have full use of their US center (or w/e country the first shop is based in) though if any problems arise that they need to rectify.
  14. Ezio223

    Ezio223 Member

    If you live near Melbourne eg me then go to carribean gardens thats where i go