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what flashcard for dsi v1.4a

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by shipwreckbar, May 31, 2010.

  1. shipwreckbar

    shipwreckbar New Member

    hi all need help with what type of flashcart to buy for a dsi v1.4a any help would be appreciated .........cheers
  2. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Cheapest: Acekard 2i w/ 1.4 update
    Most features: Supercard DSTWO
    Balance: M3i Zero w/ 1.4 update flash

    My opinions.
  3. shipwreckbar

    shipwreckbar New Member

    hi when you say Acekard 2i w/ 1.4 update
    can i buy it updated or does it have to be updated and how do i do it
  4. linkfan551

    linkfan551 Well-Known Member

    Some resellers may do it. Some for free, some with a small fee.
    You can do it yourself if you have a DSLite/Phat or a DSi 1.3x. If you do not have either, then buy it pre-flashed or get the m3 (Update is done via USB) or DSTWO(already done)