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What do you think about: C.O.P. The Recruit?

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Kronat, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    C.O.P. The Recruit, what do you think about it? Tell me, and others! I tought C.O.P. would be great, but it's a little disappointing... The graphics looks awesome, but the gameplay and the storyline... They could have been better! So what do you think?!

  2. crimson089

    crimson089 Well-Known Member

    I think it lacks effort from ubisoft's part. I agree, this game could have been better.
  3. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Yea, that's exactly what I think!
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Anyway as i was say befor the slowdown of the net time

    My opinion why the hell did they protect it?, And was it worth there money for such a floored game?

    So many mastakes it's unbelievable

    If they are gowing to protect it, make sure its worth it first lol!
  5. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's right... If we could drive over people, kill them and get cops behind us, the game should be a lot better! But because you're a cop, the cops will ignore us...
  6. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Also mastakes like when you shoot your gun.. the people run faster then a jumbo jet lol!, are as you can see the cars in the game
  7. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Yea, and somethimes you drive trough people... WTF?! They should be dead then?! Also, your gun automatically reloads? Never seen that before on a gun!
  8. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I think even kids would make joke's about this game, ubisoft don't be so soft lol!

    Ubisoft thouse terrible words "What if" ?
  9. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    Yea XD Why not put some rude language in it? And people voices... When you drive and you ram another car, they have to scream: "Hey! Look out your D*mn eyes! Motherf*cker! XD
  10. fighter1215

    fighter1215 Active Member

    i say that if you could kill people on the street and run them over have police chase you and when they catch you they say you have 1 more chane:p
  11. playhunterzx

    playhunterzx Member

    this game make me feel dizzy
  12. fighter1215

    fighter1215 Active Member

    y it make u feel dizzy
  13. Kronat

    Kronat Well-Known Member

    LOL! New York is to big for him XD