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What Do You Fear?

Discussion in 'Forum Games, Jokes & Random' started by cottonballs64, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    What is(are) your greatest fear(s)?
    OR just post whatever fear you feel needs to get out there.

    As for me, I have a lot of fears so... I'm just going to post a lot of them.

    • I fear invisible people (not actual invisible people, but people who go unnoticed throughout school or whatever)
    • I fear the sound a flag makes when it's blowing in the wind
    • I fear the thought that Phantom Planet's Hiatus might be permanent

    That's it for now, how about you?

    EDIT: If you don't want to post your "greatest fear" then just post a lighter one, or a humorous one. I don't want people to be uncomfortable.
  2. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    - I fear your post could get closed
    - I fear Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft (or all at once) sue seph and RomUlation and take it to his tragic end
    - I fear the gaming companies don't release any more 2d games
    - And last, but nor less important. I fear to the too big posts
  3. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    It'll be closed? Why? Whatever...
    But nice call with the 2D game one.
  4. KSbored

    KSbored Well-Known Member

    I fear the dark.
    I fear the day Spider Learn to fly, because let's face, it, we'll be soo screwed.
  5. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    i don't think it will be closed, actually i think is a very good tread (you must know, asking the fears of others people reveal not only they phobias, but they most relative secrets, and they "way to be, live and believe")
  6. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    I hope not, I thought that I'd come up with a pretty good topic.
    And it's not like I'm forcing anyone to make themselves vulnerable, that's why I said,
    I changed the topic to help clear this up.
  7. Avatar33

    Avatar33 Well-Known Member


    nuff said
  8. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member



    Who fears the death, also fears the life.
    You got no inner-intention to live
  9. Omega00

    Omega00 Well-Known Member

    ^Not that, death is not scary to me at all...on the other hand, living while severly cripled would be horrible...
  10. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    I also fear that conventions (grammar punctuation, ect.) are dying out with the times. I take great pride in the fact that the beginning of this sentence is capitalized.
  11. hados9

    hados9 Member

    i fear heights
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Heights and wasps
  13. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Tests and exams :eek:
  14. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    If unprepared...
  15. NekoHennuli

    NekoHennuli Well-Known Member

    I'm afraid to death of:

    1. Needles and injections
    2. High places (I can't even stand on a chair, or use spiral stairscases!)
    3. Spiders
    4. Doctors and dentists

    And of course I'm afraid of if somethig horrible would happen to my family or friends.
  16. Blade5406

    Blade5406 Well-Known Member

    Fear of getting decapitated while alive. :eek:
  17. cottonballs64

    cottonballs64 Active Member

    Fear of amputation.. I can't handle that!
  18. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    A friend said to me: "I fear fear"
  19. super_pastafari32

    super_pastafari32 Well-Known Member

    Actualy that is quite important...
    I mean if your friend was being serious, then he got the only correct fear.
    The human being have lots of fears... but the only real thing to fear is the fear instead...
  20. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine bluffed always that Castlevania was his favorite game.
    But when he came over and we played Castlevania on a PC emu he was sacred... and very much...