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What do you all think of the New Fable? (Fable 2 xbox 360)

Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by cmcal, Oct 28, 2008.

  1. cmcal

    cmcal Member

    I got it a few days back, already completed the main story, and now im very Corrupt on the PURE-CORRUPT meter because i buy houses and put the rent up 100% lol.

    i think its brilliant, graphics are cool, although my xbox does make alot of noise, i suppose its because its such a huge game.

    Gameplay is simple, X melee, Y ranged, and B for your magic.

    and my dog is cool, mine is a gold colour because im good, and my evil brother has huge horns and his dog is black lol.

    Post your views and comments. And if you want a good Money tip ask me.
  2. kirby509

    kirby509 New Member

    This game kicks ass i got it the day it came our and i went camping right after i got it :(. But i did beat it when i got back on monday and it is a grewat buy.
  3. Rhith

    Rhith Well-Known Member

    Fun game but was a bit too short.
    I'm pure good, own every property I can find.
    All gargoyles and silver keys, need to do the demon doors still.
    All skills maxed.

    Who wants gold??? I have about 2 million and nothing to spend it on!
    Gamer tag is Rhith, just message me. ;D
  4. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    It's out? Damn.
  5. Girogex

    Girogex Guest

    it felt more like an exspansion pack to the orginal fable. The story shoul've of been final fantasy length.
  6. Solus

    Solus Well-Known Member

    Well I said earlier on IRC. Its a great game just that I do not like the new control system. The way you use Will is pretty cumbersome this time around compared to the first fable. Also, they took out some other fun bit about fable such as boasting during quests and wearing clothes/ armor that boosted your defence. But everything else about it is great
  7. cmcal

    cmcal Member

    Yeah solus your right, i liked them parts too, and it was a good way to earn cash.

    I earn money on fable 2 by buying out the blacksmith and buying all his stock (at 40% discount) then going back to bowerstone blacksmith and making a tiday profit.
  8. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    it was way to easy max everything out like skills and money, money is real easy to come by all you have to do is buy everything in sight and rent it out I normally minus the rent or profit by 20 or 25 percent, and everyone loves me for it. and experience points were flowing like the nile, I had the game for about 2 maybe 3 days and everything was maxed out. But apart from these gripes the game is excellent,a lot brighter and more happy than the first one but altogether a well thought out game.
  9. casper1910

    casper1910 Well-Known Member

    I think it's a great game however I hate all the glitches and bugs in it. I think that ruined the experience a fair bit. Had to get a patch for it to work properly and it's still got some glitches.
  10. NDSFanWithR4

    NDSFanWithR4 Member

    i love it i have cleard it but it should have like a pvp mode or something
  11. chanda

    chanda Member

    I might be bashed for saying it, but I didn't particularly enjoy the game. .___.; Honestly, I was expecting a lot more coming from something that was so hyped .. My brother really loved the first one though, so I bought the second one for him for his birthday. He enjoyed (& played to DEATH, might I add) both of them.

    Personally, I prefer the Elder Scrolls series .. But I'm gonna scooch on out of here before I get yelled at for comparing games or something .. *scooches*
  12. sasquatch

    sasquatch Well-Known Member

    compare all you like an opinion is yours and you are entitled to it, both games have great qualities, but some times its just what your used to that brings you back time and again, and yeah I still think it was way too easy, and the main quest could have been longer, lets just see what they do with fable 3
  13. mazazon

    mazazon Member

    imo Fable 2 wasn't good enough:
    they succeeding in making another good game that's to short and then they lied about the replayablity.
    They also lied about it being almost equivalent to real life in many aspects. :mad:

    Thanks alot Peter Molyneux king of lies.
  14. icyth

    icyth Member

    I loved the first fable but the second wasn't very good but I still enjoyed it, then after two bad downloadable content patches I couldn't help but call the game mediocre afterwards.
  15. Reider

    Reider Modereider

    Its not too bad, although I think the main storyline is rather short. =/

    Getting money in this game is a real pain in the ass too if you can't stand doing repetitive tasks like the blacksmithing job. I'm open to any ideas that make getting money less boring if anyone has them.
  16. Wintrale

    Wintrale Well-Known Member

    It has an amazing soundtrack, but the game itself is kinda lame. Far too easy and far too reliant on DLC to get the full experience. Which is lame and further proves that it is nowhere near the same level as that incredibly awesome game known as Fable.
  17. aaaaaaa7

    aaaaaaa7 Well-Known Member

    It needs online lobbies and PvP.
    I also found it a bit short,after the main story
    There's nothing to do
  18. Lukeymundo

    Lukeymundo Active Member

    You don't even have to kill the final boss, that kinda says it all really, It was epic fun when it first came out as it was riding the hype then I finished it 2 days later and traded it in and got fallout 3
  19. Luga

    Luga Well-Known Member

    The Story is Epic,
    The Gameplay is Awesome.
    The Music is like it was taken out of a great film.
    The Machanics are Surperb
    The Download Content is extra-sexy.

    Overall, If you have an Xbox 360 and are lacking Fable II in your collection, go buy it and play it before all us REAL XBOX 360 OWNERS find out where you live, and kill you!
  20. rick4ever

    rick4ever Well-Known Member

    I was very disapointed at the end. But yea, the game was really fun. Fable 1 is way more epic