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What do these menu options in Umihara Kawase DS say? (Problem Solved!)

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Inunah, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I can't figure out what some of the menu options in Umihara Kawase DS are supposed to say. Can anyone help me with this? Here are some images with what I know approximately translated. Red text = what part of the menu it is, in case you need some sort of context. Also, by "3rd option menu" I mean the menu that comes up when you pick the third thing down on the startup menu. I was afraid to pick anything in that menu, in case it did something I didn't want done, so I have no idea what that menu is. (Hell, the only reason I even found the SNES version on here was because I noticed the symbols for that menu option were the same symbols in the logo and in the top option)

  2. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Re: What do these menu options in Umihara Kawase DS say?

    Decipher the katakana and then sound out the word

    As for the kanji, no idea =/
  3. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Re: What do these menu options in Umihara Kawase DS say?

    I don't know ANY Japanese, so I don't have any idea what symbols are Katakana and what are Kanji.
  4. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    Re: What do these menu options in Umihara Kawase DS say?


    ..Okay, I doubt you'd trust Wikipedia. So I'll do this for you

    BTW I cannot read kanji - (the Chinese-looking chars) so the kanji will be denoted by *something*

    Start-up Menu
    PS1 version
    SNES version

    PS1 Version Menu
    DS *something* Route
    *something* SE Route - **I'll assume SE means "Sound Effects"**

    Third Option Menu おまけ - "Omake", which is Japanese for "Bonus"
    Illus. Gallery (Illus. is short for Illustration)
    Sound Gallery
    Osakana *something something* "Osakana either means "fish" or "cutey".. (Damn you Google Translate. Damn you)
    *something something* of *something something*

    Options Menu
    Data *something something*

    PS1 Version Options
    Tutorial In
    *Something Something*

    You're welcome, by the way.

    Also to note, I will be taking Japanese I next year at high school
  5. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    Re: What do these menu options in Umihara Kawase DS say?

    SE Doesn't mean sound effects, because picking that option takes me to the same game that DS Route does.

    ....The full name of the game involves "Second Edition"... Think SE means that?

    Also, do you think where it says 'data', it may mean some sort of phrase along the lines of 'erase data'?

    EDIT: Now that I know that the third menu is bonus crap, I looked into the third option of that menu. Turns out it's a bestiary or something.
  6. slapmeorelse

    slapmeorelse Well-Known Member

    I clarified that the third option reads as "Omake" - which is Jap for "Bonus" and not to mention the illustration and SE

    But you're welcome anyway
  7. Inunah

    Inunah Well-Known Member

    I know. But the third option in the Omake menu is like a bestiary or something... Last night, I asked someone to help me translate some of the Kanji (When you disappeared, I decided to ask everyone on my MSN IM list. I got lucky and someone actually knew some Kanji) and they said that the second word was like Encyclopedia or something... So it's like Fish Encyclopedia or something. That's about the closest translation I can figure out.