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What did you dream to become when you were a kid?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by questXtreme, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    Okay,since I'm still sort of a kid,I'm only 13,my ambition is to become a singer.It may sound stupid,but I got 3rd for a singing competition in my school earlier this year.

    My achievements may be unimpressive,but its only a dream.

    So people,just share what you dreamed to become when you were a kid.
  2. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens


    Thanks for reminding me of my shattered childhood dreams bro! :(

    As a kid, I wanted to continue my family's tradition of every man in the family growing up to be a Sea Farer. But because I'm differently abled, I couldn't get into Maritime Academy :p

    I also wanted to be a Top Gun Pilot or a Police officer (the ones on highway patrol), but no go!

    Also, my being differently abled was the reason why my asshole bastard father dis owned me >:<
  3. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    I'm so sorry for reminding you... Your father did that?He is a bastard...If I am in any position to say that...
  4. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I don't mind really, plus we (my mom & I) severed ties with him years ago, so no biggie
  5. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    Oh,that's good I guess.And I really disagree with the act of disowning a child.But you probably disagree it more than me. ::)
  6. Tboi

    Tboi Well-Known Member

    I wanted to be pilot, i know, not very original, but i liked the airport so much i wanted to be a pilot or something :p
  7. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    I liked the airport as well,I loved looking at the planes take flight ;D.By the way,a pilot can really earn big bucks. ;)
  8. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    @questXtreme: My "fondest" memories of that asshole is being belt-beaten for crying when other kids made fun of me or being beaten up for not being able to do something, and oh, before I forget, I was borh with poorly developed eyesight. When I was two, my parents noticed that I never flinched when my eyes faced the sun or a lit match held near my face. The Doctors even said I would go blind, but thank god...

    @Wyvr: Yeah Airplanes are really kewl ;D
  9. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    @Cahos Rahne Veloza:Wow,that asshole really is an asshole...But have you gotten all over it by now?And truly,thank god that you still have your eyesight.
  10. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Umm as long as he never shows his face to us again we're kewl, 'cause if he did...

    I've been training basic martial arts for years, thanks to my old High School P.E. & ROTC Commandant who was a Blackbelter in Aikido & Taekwondo, he kinda took me under his wing & taught me to be strong, & there's my Cousin, Rey Oliver Veloza Estrada, who more than took up my asshole father's role in my life

    About my vision, currently I've developed Glaucoma, on my left eye, it's controllable, I just need to follow my medication, I can't afford the eye operation to completely heal it up, it's too damn expensive :'(
  11. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    all i wanted to do was drive a JCB or a truck, i used to love big machines with big engines.
    life changes you never know what will come around the next corner, i went from being a carpenter and playing in a metal band and doing drugs to having a child and working with children and young people
    i still have a part of my dream and that is that once i've learnt to drive the car i want is a pick-up truck that has a lift kit and massive tyres.
  12. Born2killx

    Born2killx Well-Known Member



    What, I was in kindergarten.
  13. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I wanted to be a comedian when I was younger. Wouldn't work out, as none of my jokes are funny, more like serious..
  14. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to be a fireman. I thougnt it would be fun to play with a firehose and stay up all night wating to rescue someone. (>0.0)>
  15. Reemr

    Reemr Well-Known Member

    A boss. Then a chemist, because I loved the show Dexter's Lab.
  16. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    Wow, hard to imagine... but funny nonetheless :)

    I wanted to be a neurosurgeon when I was 8, the word just sounded cool. Anyways, now my dream is to be an engineer.
  17. koyuchan

    koyuchan Well-Known Member

    Doctor or nurse


    when i was a little girl
    but now i realize it's so hard to become a doctor :-X
  18. dmac154

    dmac154 Well-Known Member

    when i was 5: a pilot
    8: an astronaut
    10: join the air force and become a nuclear physicist or ace pilot

    of course, i realize that i need to get a realistic job... like being an accountant (future job)
  19. questXtreme

    questXtreme Active Member

    Reality is harsh...
  20. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    3-The president
    10.Rocket scientist/Zoologist
    14.Journlist/Zoologist/Forensic Investigator/Witer

    so as you can see, Zoologist is one of my prime goals, but Journalism/Writing is a habit...Way of life for me.