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What could have happened?

Discussion in 'Technical Help' started by liviadomar, Jul 6, 2010.

  1. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    Hi guys, still here asking for help, and this time it's a huge problem. :eek:
    My kid has a Nds and a R4 which I think could be a clone. Anyway, in the last few days there were troubles with games suddenly freezing and apparently troubles with the screen. I cleaned it, changed the protective film, then took it off, and so on. Yesterday, I tried a new game I had (Imagine Gymnastic) and it froze. I switch it off, then I discovered that the card was kind of formatted: it looked empty even if it was still full (no games list, but 3,8 Gb full).
    I thought that the flashcard had gone, insert a new one, but it still shows a white screen with "Menu?" written on.
    Could it be that the R4 is gone? do you know anything to bring it back to life or do I have to buy a new one? and, most important, could the troubles with the screen mean that also the Nds console is about leaving us apart?
    Please, help me, my kid is desperate and I'm not exactly looking forward buying another one so soon.

    By the way: troubles with the screen and freezing games also come with original NDS card :(
  2. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    An R4 original can hold upto a 2GB microSD card , A Clone R4 is a SDHC type and would say on the box and can hold upto a 16GB SDHC microSD

    Mabe it would be best to do a full format of your microSD, Hope you have a backup of your games

    Panasonic SD Formatter, Will format your microSD chip clean


    Re-download your firmware and place the files back onto your microSD as well as games

    EDIT: If you say an original card dose it also , Mabe try to clean the pins somehow cotton swab mabe , are unsert and reinsert a card a few times with methylated spirits on the pins of the card
  3. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    thank you so much! I'll try and let you know :)
  4. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Ok, For now just see how it gose!
  5. WarioEmpire

    WarioEmpire Active Member

    trouble with the screen..? Has your kid been pulling the game card out while the game/ flash cart is running?
  6. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    Well, I tried but nothing changed: R4 (definetely a clone) is still unreadable, even with a new flashcard, and original games keep on freezing.
    What can I try now?
    I don't know if my kid ever pulled off the card while it was still on; as far as me, I took it off after switching off the console while a game was frozen.
    Any idea? please, help :(
  7. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    If an original game is freezing, it sounds like your ds is not reading of the game card very well

    If you flaten a end of a cotton swab and use a dab of methylated spirits, see if you can clean the pins down the back of the DS

    It could just be carbon issue

    If not then it sounds like it's gowing out , Sorry if that's the case
  8. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    the original games don't really freeze, but it looks like as if the screen doesn't work properly; it was a game I had on the flashcard that froze while it was creating the SAV. it stopped there, no way of doing anyhthing, so I switched the console off, then I realized that the card was kind of formatted (no list of games or software, but 3.8 giga full :eek: ).
    I guess the console has gone... :'(
  9. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    Did you do a full format with Panasonic SD Formatter ?

    The only time a microsd card is full with nothink on it is when they is coruption on the there somewhere, there for Panasonic SD Formatter will format it compleatly

    It could be the game that's causeing the problem , has the game bean Patched ?, Are is it a clean rom, game i mean...
  10. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    I still haven't tried to format: I used a new flashcard I had, and it doesn' work. I know this next question will probably make you laugh, but what does Patched mean? it was a downloaded game, if I'm not wrong it was Imagine - journalist.
  11. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    It mean's a game that has bean fixed, But sometimes not fixed well and can cause corruption

    Like arm7 patched is a bugger for that

    I have notest it also says DSI on the box, could be a problem also

    EDIT: I mean it could just be that one game

    I mean also a format of your microSD chip, Click right on letter drive and see format
  12. liviadomar

    liviadomar Member

    today I'll try to format the card and upload the software for clones, then I'll try to clean the inside pins of the console. I'll let you know.
    Thank you so much for your help, you're just precious guys! :)
  13. Jhon 591

    Jhon 591 Well-Known Member

    I don't see where cleaning the pins in an issue for now , sine its more clear to what the problem might be