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What card should I get?

Discussion in 'Flashcart Help' started by RFT123, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. RFT123

    RFT123 Member

    Hi. I have an R4i SDHC, and I am thinking about buying a new card which isn't a clone. I am going to give my R4i to my sister so she can play games on her DSi. I have heard of the Acekard and the Supercard DSTWO. I have just under £50 to spend and I already have an 8GB SD Card, so I don't need to buy another one of those. Which one of those would be the best to buy? You guys are the experts, so I know I'll get a good answer! ;)

    (P.S I have a DSi XL)
  2. subzero90

    subzero90 Member

    I made a thread just like this underneath this one and from that I was told if you have the money get the Supercard!
  3. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    I would personally get the Acekard 2i. It is probably the best flashcart I have ever owned. :)

    You can get it here - http://shoptemp.com/products/Acekard-2i-Card-for-Nintendo-DS-DS-Lite-DSi-p-30.html

    Firmware setup - http://forum.romulation.net/index.php?topic=38335.msg695431#msg695431
  4. RFT123

    RFT123 Member

    Two very quick responses, and one going for each choice. See I liked the idea of the GBA emulator on the Supercard, playing some old classics on the DSi sounds like fun. But I just don't know...

    Tough decision...
  5. ace1o1

    ace1o1 Well-Known Member

    It is...if you want, then it is worth it for the SuperCard (maybe? I don't know...), but for JUST NDS, then the Acekard 2i is the way to go.
  6. RFT123

    RFT123 Member

    Well, after some thought, I will get the Supercard DSTWO, basically because it can play GBA games. Really great feature IMO.
  7. Stanley Richards

    Stanley Richards Well-Known Member


    Second runner up would be the Acekard 2i.