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What are the "Bad" Stereotypes you hate the most given about your own country?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cahos Rahne Veloza, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    I just want to follow-up on the other thread started by Tool86, where we discuss the positive Stereotypes or labels that are often associated with our country & our people.

    Again, like with Tool86's thread this isn't meant to start a Flame & is not something racist, & to avoid being so we are ONLY ALLOWED TO DISCUSS STEREOTYPES GIVEN OR ARE FROM OUR OWN COUNTRIES, NOT WITH OTHERS'.

    OK, to begin:


    1. "We" are nothing more than servants & house-keepers <- This was brought upon by the fact that 80% of the jobs most Filipinos take, aspire &/or are currently employed in are Overseas Domestic Helpers, Nurses, Care-Givers & Entertainers. So yeah, everywhere else, on the net or even in the real world, we have this negative label of being merely domestic workers. And the worst bit is, if you look the Philippines up in Encyclopedias like in Britannica you would find it listed there that we are "de-moralized" by such a "well-respected" entity as the Encyclopedia Britannica :(

    2. "We" are nothing more than *bleep* <- OK, I needed to bleep that out but you get the picture right? It's because of those damn perverted, sick foreigners who go here to "fcuk up our women & children why we got this rep. One time I commented on Youtube video & I carelessly added the detail that I'm Filipino then the next day several sick bastards replied:

    "Aren't Filipinos great sex workers?" <-WTF!?
    "Yeah, Filipinos give good *bleep*

    And to think the video I commented on was a video from National Geographic, one of those videos about Astronomy.

    seriously *facepalm*

    3. "we" are a religious people <- I explained this over at Tool86's thread.

    4. Most Filipinos don't know our country's National anthem, or if they do know the lyrics they don't know it's title <- Sad to say, unlike people from other nations where if you bad mouth their Flag, their Anthem or anything about their country they'd lash out at you & kill you, most Filipinos don't respect our Flag & the National Anthem.

    I've seen this a lot, especially here at my Uni because at 8AM on Mondays the National Anthem is played on the P.A. (Public Announcement) System on all of the colleges & buildings through out the Uni. You as a respected citizen are required to stand straight, put your right arm at your chest near your heart & sing along with the anthem. For people in cars, you are expected to stop your vehicle as the anthem plays & pay your respects. Sadly most students don't do this :p

    5. "We" are hypocrites when it comes to Nationalism & Patriotism <- You'll hear us saying "We are Filipino & are proud of who we are", & yet a whopping 90% of those who say they do are not so, just read my fourth entry above. Also, because our country is stretched out over 7,107 islands with a helluva lot of individual regional cultural identities of their own, having a "true" meaning to a "Filipino identity" is an oxymoron on itself seeing as how can you have your own identity when it still is un-defined to this day?
  2. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    That we fuck sheep. Fucking southerners giving us all a bad name.

    Also, not being "patriotic" isn't a bad stereotype. It's just that the measuring stick all other countries are compared with (America) makes us all seem like that because we don't circlejerk around our flags like they're expected to do. It's not that we don't give a fuck, it's that we don't give nearly as much of a fuck as Americaland.
  3. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Patriotism sucks because at it's core, a patriot believes he's better and more entitled than others because of the piece of land that he was born on. I'm sure I've posted this rant a dozen times, so I'll just say that Americans being patriotic is one of my least favorite stereotypes about America. Because I certainly don't like being associated with that fuckery.

    I hate to sound like a hippy, but love earth and mankind, not your particular government. There's more to life than competitiveness that branches into things so shallow as nationalism.
  4. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    lol are you welsh......ME TOO!!!

    yeah i get called a sheep shagger a lot XD....
  5. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member


    1. We all live in the outback with a huge knife in our pockets> Absloutly not true. In fact the majority of the population (Including myself) live in Metro areas. We also by no means carry around knives (Thanks a lot Crocodile Dundee!).

    2. Where a poor nation that only drink alcohol> I've actually heard this a few times. There's no doubt every country has its homeless people that tend to use their cash on Alcohol and there's no doubt that the majority of Australian's love a beer, but we're also a very hard working nation that has one of the highest employment percentages in the world.

    3. Australia has Kangaroos all over the place> Not true at all (At least where I live). Truthfully I haven't seen a Kangaroo unless I've seen one at a Zoo. Also to critics out there, we don't ride Kangaroo's to work! LOL

    4. We have a weird accent that is close to not understandable to hear> This may have been the case years ago, but I think the Australian accent has evolved over recent years. In the modern era, the Australian accent has changed quite a lot into a more better fluent and understandable accent.

    5. It's always hot> This is very true. In fact in the 19 years of my existence, I have not once seen snow. During Summer it gets very dangerous here and Bushfires become very common in country towns.

    Well that's a few that come to mind. If anyonme has questions, I'd be glad to answer. :)
  6. calvin_0

    calvin_0 Well-Known Member

    i dont really know much about "bad" sterotypes for malaysian (maybe babarian or uncivilized and rude), but i can tell you, if you live in malaysia for a while, you'll see that we earn every "bad" sterotypes.
  7. MitsukaiXxX

    MitsukaiXxX Well-Known Member

    that is spot on lol
  8. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    ...plus, overly religious

    Only 2 apply to me.
  9. iwantndsroms

    iwantndsroms Well-Known Member

    ok i have a question :do you ever say g'day sheila to a lady or g'day bruce to a man.i have watched neighbours a few times and it seems to be the norm? also do dingos steal babys.
  10. kme92

    kme92 Well-Known Member

    1) We play lots of hockey
    2) We drink lots of Beer
    3) We say "eh" all the time
    4) We put maple syrup on everything
    5) It always snows here
    6) we don't have high security here/were very friendly
    7) our health care is really slow
    8) we are very polite
    9) we eat and drink from tim hortons all the time ( I actually do)
    10) out police always dresses up like the RCMP (with the hats and the boots on horses)
  11. Jeremiah

    Jeremiah Well-Known Member

    Maybe add in the Stereotypes for Chinese and Indian into our Pool? I'm Filipino so meh, but I'm sorta malaysian now as well so yeah.... (Dad's Malaysian, Moved to Malaysia, Living in Malaysia.... ) One of the good Stereotypes I've been hearing more lately about us Filipinos is that we are very Artistic! :D
  12. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    We don't really say "G'day Sheila" or "G'day Bruce" anymore, at least in the City areas. We still however say "G'day". Also I don't think I've ever heard someone say "G'day Bruce" before. LOL

    And no, Dingos don't steal babys! I'm pretty confident that in that incendent, the Mother killed her baby and blamed it on a Dingo. C'mon, does anyone actually believe a Dingo actually picked up a human baby and carried it away to then kill it without the parents hearing their child?
  13. Cahos Rahne Veloza

    Cahos Rahne Veloza The Fart Awakens

    Some of those are quite positive labels if you ask me :)
  14. EmmaGebz

    EmmaGebz Well-Known Member

    Re: What are the "Bad" Stereotypes you hate the most given about your own countr

    We have huge ass spiders every where, although we can get big ones I cant say I have actually seen one.

    For example ^
  15. Mikiie

    Mikiie Well-Known Member

    We aren't all illiterate misfits with a bogan accent who live on a giant orange rock.
  16. Suiseiseki

    Suiseiseki Well-Known Member

    True, some of you are literate. =D
  17. Faeros

    Faeros Member

    I'm still sticking to the "We all live in Mud Houses and wear flax skirts" haha
  18. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    1. That we always drink tea (With the stuck out little finger), eat Stiliton cheese, Talk the Queen's English and are stuck up on every other nationality. If I remember correctly, most nationality's are just like that?

    2. That we're degrading on other people and we put ourselves first. Then we have the classical stereotype within England, "Chav," As Russel Howard said.

    Then of course, there's "Grebs," "Goths," "Emos," "Scene Kids," "Geeks," "Nerds," "Gangster," While in plain matter of fact, it's just a way of dressing, acting and a way of talking. *Sigh* The comical Enigma's of today. Ultimately we're still all people, we all have feelings, I think it's down to how you were brought up through childhood, amongst a lot of other factors.
  19. equitypetey

    equitypetey Well-Known Member

    that's the biggest of all the atrocities as i can't even remember the last time England did anything for it's self as all the rules helping people only work for those who weren't born here or of the countries not that of the traditional faith of England.

    but i have a 3 to tag on.

    3. that England is the best place in the world to seek asylum (although probably true, i wish no one knew it)
  20. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    Yeah well I know quite a few people who are like that. :/