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What an awsome way to start new years eve... (May not be pg13)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mds64, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Ok, here is yet another story, another real one involving me and some mates.

    This is a "forum" version of a police statment I gave at 11:45pm.

    Here it goes.

    About 10pm-ish, me and 2 other good mates of mine (one was my "master", the other was one of my best mates) were at the front of mc donalds having some 50cent cones, since we were bored out of our minds...no one but us wanted to hang out :(

    Anyway, some prick comes out of no where (as we found out he was on "ice") and started butting into our chat, ranting about His GF, and saying we were mates...he was out of it though...no clue as to what he was talking about.

    He walked away after a bit, and we tried to go back to our original conversation (one of us was agitated about something un-related) and then as soon as he mentioned "car money" the dude came back (he was there listening to us) and got in my mate's face...

    He was right in his face (surprised he didn't kill him on the spot...this mate makes me look sane XD) and my mate tried to talk him down (not wanting a fight obviously) and we all tried to talk some sence...

    The fight started when he got racial towards me (so what if I'm half asian-I'M A BLOODY AUSSIE AS WELL!) and then pushed me...I went into rage mode.

    By that, I grabbed him by the throat, but lacking grip (and using one arm...it was cool looking but ineffective) I only grabbed his adam's apple..he backed away and punched me in the forehead...I now have a bruise above my eye :(

    He grabbed my shirt (and runined a $50 FCUK transformers shirt, and wrecked my trade mark military dog tags-custom aussie army ones :( ) and that is when my mates stepped in-they threw him to the ground (he was still holding my shirt as he went down) so I punched him in the groin (I knew something was being wrecked-plus I didn't want to get on the ground while my mates held him), sadly it had little effect other than him letting go of me...

    The mcdonalds manager walked up (he was younger than me...poor dude) and told us to take it somewhere else...the freak then took him on!

    The poor dude got a black eye for doing the right thing...the funny part was he ran like a chicken after what could only be described as "A TANK" came up and said "YOU WANNA PICK ON ME!!!" and well...yeah.

    He was caught, I lost my good chain for the tags, ripped shirt, but my good mate had a cut lip (apparently he punched him in the lip...he bleed badly) and that poor manager...

    But we had fun-even at 11:45 after we gave our accounts of the story, so we crusied around to our parent's houses, gave them out copies of our statments, and seperated...

    If I was on my own, running away was not an option as this guy followed like a bad smell (which he was...yuck) and going for my car...not smart...seeing as he got in my way twice as I went for it.

    Bad thing
    -Police know where I live
    -Got a bruise
    -Mates got hurt
    -Clothing got damaged

    Good thing
    -The fact that this idiot had the "balls" to take on 3 guys...even if one was a pacifiest (me)
    -Made friends with a manager
    -My first fight-and won XD

    I'd hate to go again since this guy claims to know some bloods (a gang...he knew some of theri names-so does my mates XD) plus if I didn't expect trouble...

    Oh well, home safe and sound, and hopefully he learnt his lesson XD
  2. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Randy,hit first and ask questions later.You should have stuck the head on him,then kick the shit out of him,then search his pockets for money to pay for your t-shirt and necklace.
  3. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm not the fighter type, but if I had of known, I would have punched him in the head....I was freaked out.

    But I'm fine, the chain I found a replacement (shorter...but works) and the shirt...well it looks wicked now-the "lived in" stlye XD

    But We were on camera, so it wasn't the best move, if out in the street maybe..just maybe.
  4. nhi_po

    nhi_po Well-Known Member

    50 cents?! DUDE....
    ours is 79!

    and poor manager... innocent bystander
  5. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Son, never be the one to start a fight. But if shit hits the fan then make sure you get the first punch in.

    That said, you need new friends.
  6. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    A customer alerted him to what was happening and he tried to do his job...

    Most managers would call the police and cower away-or wait until they go away first...this guy was brave...

    He didn't expect the punch...

    His senior manager called the police-if she hadn't we would have hung out there until we found something else to do LOL!

    He did bump me...and out of fear...well yeah.

    And these guys normally drink and have the whole bunch with us..but everyone else had family parties.

    THese mates are the best I've had, besides...at least they got me out of the house unlike the one's who I known since school...they just sat at home-no party or even an attempt.

    Just being with mates is all one needs-I don't drink or like parties anyway.
  7. snebbers

    snebbers Well-Known Member

    This made me smile...
    But good stuff for sticking up for yourself and making friends with the manager :)

    It is a rather eventful start to New Year's Eve, but ultimately the most interesting.

    I also like the sound of the dog tags...

    I agree with that :)
  8. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I'm just glad my mates stood up for me.

    I hadn't thought past when i grabbed his neck...i was still figuring out what i was doing...

    Thanks to them I didn't get hurt too much.
  9. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Randy,it was probably the noise of your knees knocking together that alerted the manager LOL.

    And grabbing the guys throat and groin wasnt going to do anything much.You should have either ran away or beat him up.Your lucky that he didnt stab you whilst you were pussy footing around.

    That is whats good about Martial Arts-it trains your brain to not be scared and punches etc are delivered fast and powerfully without thinking.
  10. tehuber1337

    tehuber1337 Well-Known Member

    There's something to be said for not being hasty with violence. He shoves you a little, so what? He's a racist bigot, who cares? Retaliation escalates the fight, which is the complete opposite of pacify.

    If you want to avoid trouble, it's best to simply not feed the troll.
  11. BloodVayne

    BloodVayne Well-Known Member

    That's what we'd LIKE to do: not start fights. But when shit's going down tight you need to defend yourself. Period.

    Anyways, because of the time difference, it's still December 31st here in Indonesia -_- . Hope something exciting happens this new year's eve. :p
  12. theunderling

    theunderling Well-Known Member

    Randy,can you ask for the video of the fight and post it on you-tube.
  13. bhatooth

    bhatooth Well-Known Member

    nice way to start a year!
    i wish im on a fight
    im just watching five star fireworks (well i dont consider them fireworks their more of a mini bombs) explode and feel their shockwaves
  14. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that'll be wise here...I'd be lucky to get a copy for myself.

    I've never been in a fight and had no clue what was going on, the second he shoved me my mind click and went for his neck.

    Ok, my car was about 5 metres away-if I ran he might have got me before I got there, my mates seeing him as not a threat (like a few drunks in the past) didn't move, hell one didn't want to go back inside because he was sick of being inside all day.

    I suppose we could have gotten into my car and drove of after he started to leave, but he would have walked back to us.

    And as my mates said, if he just pulled my shirt and went off no incident would have happened, but because of the shove (and when he rose his fist at me) that's when it got ugly.

    It wasn't the racism that got me, maybe because my mind went "omg omg omg wtf" and when he shoved me it just snapped...
  15. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Should have got a baseball bat and showed him where the bitches at.
  16. mds64

    mds64 Well-Known Member

    Well I had a rather large cardboard tube that could create a concussion...but using that would mean I'd be the bad guy, using a weapon on such a punk.

    Plus it was in the car-I'd also not like to have him know about the car, nor risk having my back turned to go get it-if the fight went any longer than it had then yes, I would have got it, that poor manager got a black eye...if not for "THE TANK" he might have been worse.
  17. cjdogger

    cjdogger Guest

    Should have pimpsmacked his ass for messing with your crew.
  18. sexywogboy

    sexywogboy Well-Known Member

    LOL. I just couldn't help but laugh at this story (Maybe because it sounds so familiar to what Australia is about). :D

    Anyway, I've been in a few similar cases where some guy off his head will just come straight into my face. I tell you what it's quite intimidating, no matter how weak or small they are.

    I have to say though, you're brave going to a McDonalds on New Years Eve! I really don't know anyone stupid enough to even consider going to McDonalds during New Years Eve. :p:

    LOL. They always knew where you lived. ;)
  19. Altarius95

    Altarius95 Well-Known Member

    Ha! Congrats on winning your first fight. I remember once this kid who thought he was top stuff wanted to start a fight with me. He took my glasses, so I put him in a headlock until he gave them back. Later that day he kept denying that I put him in a headlock.
  20. redoperator

    redoperator Well-Known Member

    if anyone wants to fight you, don't panic, look calm... if he still wants to fight walk up to him and

    kick him in the balls
    knee him in the head
    kick him in the face
    then look over at him when he's down and say "bad choice dude, crystal meth and an ass whooping, bad choice."

    then kick him again... it's better to be feared than respected