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Werewolves of Romuville - Round 3

Discussion in 'Werewolves of Romuville' started by athemoe, Oct 30, 2011.

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  1. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Welcome to Romuville


    Are you guys ready for a third round?

    This game is called 'Werewolves of Romuville'. The game is about a village -Romuville- where inhabitants are being killed by werewolves. The people of the village think that an old legend has become true. And they want to find and kill these horrible creatures.

    But there's one problem... the werewolves of Romuville are normal citizens at day. The citizens don't what to do; Nobody can be trusted... What if the new mayor is a werewolf? Or the butcher, who has been sick all week? Everyday one citizen will be executed, but innocent citizens will also be executed if you choose the wrong guy...


    - I am the host, so you have to send your pm's to me.
    - The day lasts from 7 am 'til 7 pm.
    - The night lasts from 7 pm 'til 7 am.

    Goal of the game

    I will send everybody a pm with their function at the beginning of the game. Don't mention this to anyone or you will die instantly! You can be part of 2 different teams: the citizens and the werewolves. From the moment you get your pm, you may vote for the mayor of Romuville in this very thread. You must send me a pm if you're Cupido to tell me the names of the lovebirds. I will also send them a pm, so they know they are together. They may not vote for each other and their main goal is to keep each other alive during the game. If one of them dies, the other one dies too.

    You can vote during the day. You have to vote on a person of whom you suspect of being a werewolf. Try to convince the others and protect yourself!

    The next thing happens during the night:

    The werewolves have to discuss of who they want to kill (by pm and only one person). It' would be the best if you'd kill the seer and the mayor first.

    The seer can send me a pm to ask the identity of a player: I will send a pm back.

    The mayor's vote counts as two votes. He can also choose the next mayor if he dies. If he doesn't pm me in time, the citizens may choose the new mayor.

    I will post the name of the citizen who died the next morning. I will also name a new mayor if he's the one who died. After that the citizens can vote again and I will repeat this everyday 'till one of the next things happens:

    No more citizens - the werewolves win the game.
    No more werewolves - the citizens win the game.
    Only the lovebirds remain - they win.

    What if I don't get a pm in time...
    If I don't get a pm of a certain person, the following will happen:

    No victims that night.

    I won't tell him/her an identity.

    Village idiot:
    I won't tell him/her an identity.

    Mayor (if he's the victim)
    The citizens may choose their next mayor.

    no one will be protected.

    --the rules are free of changes--

    3 Werewolves
    1 Seer
    1 Hunter
    1 Cupid
    4 Normal citizens (including 1 mayor)
    1 Elder
    1 Guardian
    1 Village Idiot
    1 Barbarian * new *

    -- (3) Werewolves --


    They eliminate 1 fellow citizen during the night, the also vote for other people during the day, so "Defend your buddies!"

    -- (1) Seer --


    The seer has to send me a pm during nighttime. He/she can choose one person. I will send him/her a pm with the identity of that person.

    -- (1) Hunter --


    If the hunter was devoured by the werewolves he/she can kill one other person before he/she dies . I will send you a pm if you're the victim and you will send me the name of the person you would rather see dead.

    -- (1) Cupid --


    You have to send me the name of the two 'victims'. You can also pick yourself. I will then pm the other two people. You two are faithful. You can't vote for your partner. You can't tell your partner what function you have (don't spoil the game). Does your partner die? Then you die due to heartbreak. You have to send me the pm on the first night!

    -- (4) Normal citizens --


    Normal citizens don't have special powers and they have to use their brains to find the werewolves. Vote for the werewolf if you're sure about it and try to convince the other citizens too! Or convince the others of you not being a werewolf. Don't vote for the seer... It's all about your speech and your devised theory!
    A random citizen will be killed if no one votes.

    -- (1) Mayor --


    Romuville will choose its own mayor. You can vote during the first day. Everybody can be a mayor, also if you are a werewolf! DThe vote of the mayor counts as two votes. The dead mayor can choose the new mayor (by pm).

    -- (1) Elder --


    He/she can survive an attack from the werewolves (only 1 time).

    -- (1) Guardian --


    Each night, the guardian may protect someone (you have to pm me one name each night).
    The guardian may not protect the same citizen two nights in a row.
    The guardian may not protect himself.

    -- (1) Village idiot --


    He/she may ask me for the identities of 3 people.
    But I will give them in a random order, because he/she is so crazy, he can't tell them in the right order.

    Eg: The village idiot asks me the identity of person A, B and C.

    The real roles:
    Person A: Werewolf
    Person B: citizen
    Person C: Guardian.

    But I will pm:
    Person A: Citizen
    Person B: Guardian
    Person C: Werewolf.

    -- (1) Barbarian --


    The barbarian is a tough guy. If he gets killed at night by the werewolves, he will only die the night after. If he gets lynched by the citizens, he will survive, but he will die the next day due to severe injuries.

    -> Just ask me questions if anything isn't clear enough.

    Rules of the third round

    - Only 14 people can join the game.

    - If there's one werewolf left, and you are the seer, try to convince the citizens of the fact that you are a seer, so you can survive the horror of Romuville.

    Players round three

    People in fat are still in the game.

    1. UltimateHipsterLad (†) Normal citizen
    2. Kiekoes (†) - Normal citizen
    3. <~Tarik B~> (†) - Normal citizen
    4. SomeIrishKid (†) Guardian
    5. MiseryLC - Hunter - Lovebird [​IMG]
    6. -Jonez- - Werewolf - Lovebird - Mayor [​IMG] [​IMG]
    7. BloodlustNS Mayor (†) - Werewolf
    8. megashell (†) - Village idiot
    9. calvin_0 (†) - Cupid
    10. ~Paranoia~ (†) - Werewolf
    11. melfice666 (†) - Barbarian
    12. ricapica (†) - Normal citizen
    13. Devon-chan (†) - Elder - Ex Mayor
    14. M.Austin19 (†) - Seer

    * You can check the timezone here.

    The lovebirds won the game!
  2. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    Yay ok let's look for 3 more players
    also second post :p
  3. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    As always, I join. If I am going to be a werewolf: you all are going to die
    If I will be a human: good luck
  4. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member

    My vote for wolf goes to Jonez lolol
    Sorry being off topic
  5. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    If the three places are filled in tonight and Akane got all the roles send, I would fine it a pretty dumb idea that the werewolfs may already kill someone the first night.
  6. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    so I say that Im on and in for it?
  7. 10tarik10

    10tarik10 Well-Known Member


  8. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    Yes. After the tree places are filled, Akane will send you a pm with how your role works.

    Melfice, good luck (of course all the others too)

    The list is pretty similar to the round 2 one. If the second round was so thrilling, be sure that this round will be indeed as epic.

    If Akane starts in day time, ignore comment
    If Akane starts TODAY, then the game hasn't started yet ;o
  9. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    I thought you said you wanted to join?
    If not, I'll remove you from the list.

    Romuvilles anthem
    I won't, don't worry
  10. lewis9191

    lewis9191 Well-Known Member

    Can you please not spoil roles this time athy.
  11. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    I mean that I say here or what?
    you see I'm that kind of guy that will at start asks all the stypid things to try and tries not to make mistakes later on =P
  12. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    I will try to guide you as far as the rules allow me.

    You will get your role by an pm form Akane. It is the best that you ask all questions now before we really start
  13. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    so lets say that one would be barbarian,then could he tell for example that Jones Killed meeee...! ? or could he do a "revenge" killing before he dies?
  14. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Melfice, you can ask me everything you want by pm.
  15. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    A great hint is scrolling through the other rounds. The first is pretty short and will give you some insight into the gameplay
  16. melfice666

    melfice666 Well-Known Member

    ah very well Milady *Bows*
    so can you then PM the ansver for that question?

    well I'm slowly doing that but as the Barbarian is new Im rather interested in it =P
  17. Jonez001

    Jonez001 Well-Known Member

    The roles are chosen by random.org... so hack that site if you really want that role (hihihi, look at me I can steal Akane her words :p)
  18. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Round 1 lasted 4 days while round 2 lasted 7 days.
  19. darkrequiem

    darkrequiem Well-Known Member

    The barbarian is interesting.
    I assume when he's 'wounded', we'll learn his identity before he dies the next day?
    That could help with votes.
  20. athemoe

    athemoe Well-Known Member

    Yes, you will.
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