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Went Fishing

Discussion in 'Sports' started by Drake801, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Drake801

    Drake801 Active Member

    Didn't catch anything :(

    Anyone else here fish in real life?
  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    I haven't gone fishing in years, but it was always a lot of fun when I did. I should fish again sometime. :-X
  3. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Same here, it's been years really.

    When I was younger I used to fish often though, my grand father has a boat and we used to go fishing pretty much every other weekend and far more often during the holidays. I didn't catch much though, I was seriously impatient at such a young age. :p
  4. z3311z

    z3311z Well-Known Member

    yeah when i was little i was very impatient about it
    fishing is only good when i get stoned
  5. einherjar

    einherjar Well-Known Member

    Sometimes during the hollidays we go 'fishing'
    (means: sit at the waterfront, drinking a crate of beer an hour, getting totally drunk, and forget your rod)
  6. Roshi

    Roshi Well-Known Member

    Haven't been fishing in a while. :/ Kinda feel bad for those fishies.
  7. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    When I'm bored, or camping, now... tehres nomore camping here in the philippines :p
  8. anandjones

    anandjones Well-Known Member

    I fish every fortnight or so. My first catch was seaweed :p
  9. Roshi

    Roshi Well-Known Member

    I used to catch freshwater sunfish and smallmouth bass. That's about all I've ever caught.
  10. kamage

    kamage Well-Known Member

    I caught a one inch fish, with a big hook, about half the size of my pinky.... He was stabbed in the body.... and my first fishing catch was:A rock, the hook never came back to the dock, we had to cut it...
  11. big_jake_420

    big_jake_420 Well-Known Member

    then you snagged that fish. I only go fishing when im good and stoned
  12. miros

    miros Well-Known Member

    I can always go fishing because I have worms. I love going fishing in the winter, however all I catch is a cold (cough). But seriously, in my real life I go fishing with the old man from time to time. We mostly go to Keuka or Seneca Lake during the summer. He always catches fish and I don't, but in my defense I always insist that I had one on the hook but it got away...
  13. waylonn

    waylonn Well-Known Member

    I fish 2-3 times a year.
    Only thing I ever catch are goldfishes.
  14. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    I go fishing with my wife and son 4 or 5 times a year. We mostly fish for pike http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_pike

    I don't recommend pike fishing unless you have someone experienced with you because if you do catch one you will probably kill it and it may rip half your arm off if you're not careful. My biggest catch to date weighed 32lbs (14.5kg) and was about 3 feet long. One hell of a rush bringing in a very agressive fish of that size.
  15. Wildape

    Wildape New Member

    If you think pike are brutal dont go deep sea fishing a 4lb bonita(non edble tuna) will put most freshwater fish to shame.
  16. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    I haven't gone fishing in aaaaaaaages.
    But I love it :)
  17. nimishtoory

    nimishtoory Guest

    I go rarely with my freinds.
  18. 1prinnydood

    1prinnydood Guest

    Fans of fishing you just gotta have a look at this :eek:

  19. Rysio

    Rysio Well-Known Member

    Nice catch ^^. I love fishing, but don't do it very often... It's so relaxing...
  20. jono1234

    jono1234 New Member

    fishing is very relaxing