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Well I Guess I Should Give My Formal Introduction.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MovingStatistic, Jun 1, 2007.

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  1. MovingStatistic

    MovingStatistic Well-Known Member


    *I go by the names "MovingStatistic" or "Ghost" I those are my two aliases wherever I am nowadays.
    *I am an Internet Technician for ADSL // Wireless // Dial-Up. (Fiber on occasion)
    *I do web design on my spare time.
    *I Administrate and/or Moderate 11 forums.
    *I am 18 Years old and have been on my own for 4 years.

    I am very bias and hold to my opinions but accept others ideas at the same time.

    I am an easy guy to get along with, I hope to see you all in the near future and I hope to be a great asset to this community.

  2. Void

    Void Well-Known Member

    Hey MovingStatistic, and welcome to RomUlation.
  3. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    welcome; interesting to see how many of us are professionally involved in technical roles :) (I do networking too)
  4. Drake801

    Drake801 Active Member

    Hi MovingStatistic,

    That is interesting, I'm looking to take a network technician course at a college in town. Wonder how many other Net Techs are on here.
  5. MovingStatistic

    MovingStatistic Well-Known Member

    There is a difference between a "Network Technician" and a "Internet Technician" I am the later. I have done many network setups though, just not at my present workplace.

  6. Loonylion

    Loonylion Administrator Staff Member

    Patton, Nall and myself are all (inter)networkers. :)
  7. Seph

    Seph Administrator Staff Member

    Wow, how was it like being on your own at age 14? Can't have been easy.
  8. MovingStatistic

    MovingStatistic Well-Known Member

    It wasn't easy but it was far easier than what I had dealt with prior, lets put it that way.

    I've been working 40+ hour weeks since the day I was on my own and worked myself to where I am now and I'm happy with what I am doing so it's all good :)

  9. KMC

    KMC Well-Known Member

    Well i for one would love to hear how you got on by yourself. I am planning a huge adventure myself, but i would need money for the ninjas, and all the ladies. And just so that your not the only one i'll make a list of my personality too:

    *I am un-predictable, you have been warned. ;)
    *I hate haters who hate on others. ???
    *I don't control my brain. it controls me, so i am very limited to the things i do on my own.
    *I am very caring, yet i don't care. if you have a problem i'll help, but if i don't like you, then you can eat rotten you are cheese.

    I do hope you will be a great addition to the community also. Oh, and watch out sometimes when ever i find it auspicious i use my L.A skillz to put the fool in the pool.
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