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Welcome Back to PSN??? For you maybe...

Discussion in 'Sony' started by houstontx224, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Just my luck I get away for a quick minute and PSN only giving 30 days for the Welcome Back offer. I know they can't just leave it open forever but, if I already had my acocunt since ...well forever...lol I should be able to download my free 2 games after 30 days. There should have been a way to download them online (thru my pc) then when I do get back to my PS3 I can just plug it in..go to my PSN account and have my games. Oh, well....just venting a bit.

  2. sinnoh2

    sinnoh2 Well-Known Member

    ask ur friends to login to ur psn for u? o_O
  3. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Can I do that? HAve a friend log in on thier PS3 on my account and I will then get the games when I get back home on my PS3?

  4. houstontx224

    houstontx224 Well-Known Member

    Appreciate the assist..I did do that and the games seem to be on my download queue in my PSN account. Thanks.
  5. someirishkid

    someirishkid Well-Known Member

    Can't you queue downloads through your PC for the PS3?