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Weird thing happened in Pokémon Heart Gold

Discussion in 'Nintendo' started by Harubi, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    First let me start off by saying that this in now shape or form intended to make anyone jealous or to brag about me being able to play it... i too crash (not as often but still)

    Anyway... so i was on that road, after gym three.. close to where you find Sudowoodo, where you fight this psychic guy
    He has two abras and a kadabra

    So i sent out a weak geodude... lvl 6 i believe..
    Anyway so abra kept using flash untill he didn't have it anymore and while he was doing that i kept using tackle.
    After he ran out of flash he started using teleport.

    The funny thing that started to occur was that after he did Teleport, my geodude kept missing.
    And i wish i had a video but i swear i did like at least fourteen tackles and all of them missed untill finally i landed one hit.
    I wonder if this is because of the constant flashing he was doing or if there is a little bug in the game itself.
    if it went four times in a row... i would be like coinsidence... but more than fourteen times?

    Either way tackle didnt miss so much while he was using flash...so yea...

  2. Renji217

    Renji217 Well-Known Member

    Well first of all tackle isnt 100% to begin with.... Its more like 95%.... Seccond flash lowers the accuracy with every hit.... By exactly how much I dont know but you can do it 6 times.... My guess its something like 95%-10%X6 so your left with 35% Accuracy....
  3. Harubi

    Harubi Well-Known Member

    Yeah i know that, but after like six times, i started to have a feeling that doing a teleport would cancle out a tackle..
  4. CloudBoii12

    CloudBoii12 Well-Known Member

    No, Renji's right, he lowered your accuracy.